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Geometric-Algebraic Theory Clay Tablet from Tell al-Dhabba'i
This clay tablet narrates a geometric-algebraic theory of how to make a solution for a mathematical problem. The conclusion applies a theory very similar to the Pythagorean theorem. From Tell Tell al-Dhabba'i, Iraq. Old-Babylonian period...

Doban Clay Tablet from Japan
This doban or clay tablet is from the Fukuda Shell Mound in what is present-day Ibaraki prefecture, Japan. It dates from the Jomon period, between 1000-400 BCE. Important cultural property. (Tokyo National Museum)

Economic Clay Tablet
This tablet contains a list of goods. From Mesopotamia, Iraq. Early dynastic period, 3rd millennium BCE. The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq.

Kassite-Akkadian Lexical Clay Tablet
Vocabulary giving the Akkadian equivalents of 48 Kassite words of the type found in personal names. The Kassite words are listed on the left of each column with their Babylonian equivalent to the right. 1200-800 BCE. From Babylon, Mesopotamia...

Unopened Clay Tablet Envelope from Kultepe
The cuneiform text on the center of this unopened envelop narrates a loan of silver to a husband and wife. The envelop is marked by rings and cylinder seals used by the diverse community at the city of Kultepe. There are 3 scenes; Babylonian...

The Newly Discovered Tablet II of the Epic of Gilgamesh
Surpassing all other kings, heroic in stature, brave scion of Uruk, wild bull on the rampage! Going at the fore he was the vanguard, going at the rear, one his comrades could trust! (Prologue, Tablet I, The Epic of Gilgamesh...

Clay Cover of the Tablet of Shamash
This is a fired clay cover of the sun god (Shamash) tablet. Its purpose was to protect the obverse side (face) of the tablet. It has retained the impression of the carved panel of the tablet. The Babylonian king Nabu-apla-iddina (reigned...

John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) was an American statesman and diplomat who served as the sixth president of the United States (1825-1829). The son of a former president, Adams had a long and distinguished political career both before and after...

Clay Cover of the Tablet of Shamash (II)
This is a fired clay cover of the sun god (Shamash) tablet. Its purpose was to protect the obverse side (face) of the tablet. It has retained the impression of the carved panel of the tablet. The Babylonian king Nabu-apla-iddina (reigned...

Petticoat Affair
The Petticoat affair, also called the Eaton affair, was a political scandal that rocked Washington, D.C., from 1829 to 1831, during the early years of Andrew Jackson's presidency. Revolving around the rumored sexual promiscuity of Peggy Eaton...