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Greek Earring from Crimea
This is one of a set of two earrings. The lion-head terminal in repousse is mounted in a cone of sheet metal with embossed decoration. The loop for the ear was made from three twisted wires soldered together and merging into one. From this...

Ionian Capital from Crimea
This Ionian capital is made of limestone and dates from the second quarter of the 5th century BCE. It was found at Kerch, in Crimea, in the acropolis of ancient Panticapaeum. Panticapaeum was referred to as "Taurica" by the ancient Greeks...

Renkioi Hospital
The Renkioi Hospital, was a complex of innovative prefabricated buildings designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel for use during the Crimean War (1853-56). Brunel had been moved by the heavy casualties and even higher deaths via disease during...

Golden Horde
The Golden Horde was the European appanage of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE). Begun in earnest by Batu Khan in 1227 CE, the territory that would eventually become the Golden Horde came to encompass parts of Central Asia, much of Russia...

The Mixoparthenos (half-maiden), is a hybrid creature with a double fish-tail from the Black Sea. The limestone sculpture dates back to the 1st-2nd century CE and comes from Panticapaeum in Taurica (Crimea, Ukraine). In Herodotus' Histories...

The Bosporan Kingdom, c.100 CE
This map illustrates the rise and development of the Bosporan Kingdom (c. 480 BCE – 341 CE), an ancient state located around the Bosphorus Kimmerios (Kerch Strait), encompassing parts of the eastern Crimea and the Taman Peninsula. Founded...

Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Sultanate (1299-1922 as an empire; 1922-1924 as caliphate only), also referred to as the Ottoman Empire, written in Turkish as Osmanlı Devleti, was a Turkic imperial state that was conceived by and named after Osman (l. 1258-1326...

Batu Khan
Batu Khan (l. 1205-1255 CE) was a grandson of Genghis Khan and the founder of the Golden Horde. Batu was a skilled Mongol military commander and won battles from China to Persia, although his most famous exploits involve the grand Mongol...

Empire of Trebizond
The Empire of Trebizond was an offshoot of the Byzantine Empire that existed from 1204 to 1461 CE, ruled by the Megas Komnenos Dynasty, descendants of the Komnenos Byzantine emperors. The Empire of Trebizond has been far less researched than...

Justinian II
Justinian II “the Slit-nosed” ruled as emperor of the Byzantine Empire in two spells: from 685 to 695 CE and then again from 705 to 711 CE. It was after his first reign and prior to his exile that his nose was cut off by the usurper Leontios...