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Pottery Vessel from Ninevite V Culture
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Pottery Vessel from Ninevite V Culture

This peculiar pottery vessel was found at Nineveh, Iraq. The surface is painted with different geometric shapes. Ninevite V period/culture of Upper Mesopotamia, c. 2900-2600 BCE. On display at the Iraq Museum in Baghdad.
Vessel from Ninevite V Culture
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Vessel from Ninevite V Culture

This pottery vessel was found at Nineveh, Iraq. The surface is decorated with different geometric motifs and shapes. Ninevite V period/culture of Upper Mesopotamia, c. 2900-2600 BCE. On display at the Iraq Museum in Baghdad.
Veracruz Culture Statue of Cihuacoatl
Image by James Blake Wiener

Veracruz Culture Statue of Cihuacoatl

Although Cihuacoatl was later known in Aztec mythology as the "snake woman," she was also a fertility goddess and a goddess of motherhood. This statue comes from the Veracruz culture, which lived along the Gulf Coast in what is present-day...
Portrait Vessel, Moche Culture
Image by Caroline Cervera

Portrait Vessel, Moche Culture

This portrait vessel was made during the Moche civilization's Apogee Epoch (c. 1 CE - 800 CE). House in Museo Larco, Lima, Peru.
Painted Bowl from Halaf Culture
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Painted Bowl from Halaf Culture

This painted bowl dates back to the Halaf period, Mesopotamia, sixth century BCE. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).
A Dish from the Jarmo Culture
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

A Dish from the Jarmo Culture

This rounded coarse-ware dish was found in Tell Tapa Raza, Sharazor Plain, Modern Sulaimaniya Governorate, Iraq. It dates back to the Jarmo period, 7000 BCE. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).
Arts and Culture in Ancient Greece
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Arts and Culture in Ancient Greece

Aesychlus Aristophanes Base Capital Chorus Comedy Corinthian column Dionysus Doric column Drama Entablature Entasis Euripides Frieze Ionic column Metope Pediment Philosophy Satyr play Shaft Skene Sophocles Tragedy Triglyph Socrates Plato...
Cupisnique Culture Sacred Animals
Image by Caroline Cervera

Cupisnique Culture Sacred Animals

This piece shows a feline, owl, serpents, and condor. The owl and condor represented the sky while the feline represented the earth and dominance. The serpent represented the subterranean world. Housed in the Museo Larco, Lima, Peru.
Stamp from Halaf Culture
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Stamp from Halaf Culture

A flat clay stamp with an image of its impression. This stamp dates back to the Halaf period, 5th millennium BCE, Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).
Gandao in Kalasha culture
Image by Dr. Muhammad Kashif Ali

Gandao in Kalasha culture

Gandao is the wooden image aimed at immortalizing the important departed souls of the Kalasha family member. Gandao is installed at cemetery. The Kalasha is sole pagan tribe of Pakistan with numerical strength of 4000 approx. The Kalasha...