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Early Muslim Conquests (622-656 CE)
Article by Syed Muhammad Khan

Early Muslim Conquests (622-656 CE)

Islam arose as a religious and socio-political force in Arabia in the 7th century CE (610 CE onwards). The Islamic Prophet Muhammad (l. 570-632 CE), despite facing resistance and persecution, amassed a huge following and started building...
Ancient Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egypt

Egypt is a country in North Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea, and is home to one of the oldest civilizations on earth. The name 'Egypt' comes from the Greek Aegyptos which was the Greek pronunciation of the ancient Egyptian name 'Hwt-Ka-Ptah'...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Pharaoh in ancient Egypt was the political and religious leader of the people and held the titles 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. The word 'pharaoh' is the Greek form of the Egyptian pero or per-a-a, which was...
Ancient Egyptian Art
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Art

The artworks of ancient Egypt have fascinated people for thousands of years. The early Greek and later Roman artists were influenced by Egyptian techniques and their art would inspire those of other cultures up to the present day. Many artists...
Definition by Syed Muhammad Khan


Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 634-644 CE) was the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate (632-661 CE, as the first four caliphs are referred to by the Sunni Muslims). He was an early convert of Islam and one of the close companions of the Islamic...
Ridda Wars
Definition by Syed Muhammad Khan

Ridda Wars

The Ridda Wars or the Wars of Apostasy (632-633 CE) were a series of military engagements between the armies of the Rashidun Caliphate (632-661 CE) and the renegade tribes of Arabia. The rebels had renounced their allegiance with the nascent...
The Temple of Hatshepsut
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Temple of Hatshepsut

Among the duties of any Egyptian monarch was the construction of monumental building projects to honor the gods and preserve the memory of their reigns for eternity. These building projects were not just some grandiose gesture on the part...
Police in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Police in Ancient Egypt

In any society, members of the community recognize they are required to restrain certain impulses in order to participate in the community. Every civilization has had some form of law which makes clear that the benefits of peaceful coexistence...
Preserved Baskets of Spices, Ancient Egypt
Image by Museo Egizio

Preserved Baskets of Spices, Ancient Egypt

Baskets of spices and condiments, including tarragon, cumin and lard, from the tomb of Kha, Deir el-Medina, Egypt, c. 1425-1353 BCE. Museo Egizio, Turin.
Daily Life in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

The popular view of life in ancient Egypt is often that it was a death-obsessed culture in which powerful pharaohs forced the people to labor at constructing pyramids and temples and, at an unspecified time, enslaved the Hebrews for this...