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Lancaster Bomber
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Lancaster Bomber

The Avro 683 Lancaster bomber was a four-engine heavy bomber flown by the Royal Air Force and allies during the Second World War (1939-45). Lancasters were particularly used in nighttime bombing raids and could carry the heaviest bombs ever...
Operation Chastise
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Operation Chastise

Operation Chastise, the 'Dambusters' raid, was an attack by a squadron of RAF Lancaster bombers on the dams of the Ruhr basin in Germany in May 1943. Led by Squadron Leader Guy Gibson, the bombers breached two dams causing enormous flooding...
Basil I
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Basil I

Basil I was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 867 to 886 CE and he founded the "Macedonian" dynasty which lasted for over 200 years. Basil was an Armenian from a humble background who had risen to become the second most powerful man in...
Hisham's Palace
Definition by Fatema AlSulaiti

Hisham's Palace

Hisham's Palace at Khirbat Al Mafjar (the ruins of Mafjar) is an Umayyad structure that is listed among the last of the surviving antiquities of Romans and Byzantines. It was built by Walid Ibn Yazid in 734 CE near Jericho in the Jordan Valley...
Einsiedeln Abbey
Definition by James Blake Wiener

Einsiedeln Abbey

Einsiedeln Abbey and Monastery (German: Kloster Einsiedeln), located some 31 km (19 mi) southeast of Zürich at the foot of a hill in the town of Einsiedeln in Canton Schwyz, Switzerland, is the most important site of Roman Catholic pilgrimage...
Ceiling of the Florence Cathedral
Image by Alex Ghizila

Ceiling of the Florence Cathedral

Ceiling of the Dome of the Florence Cathedral. The dome was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446 CE) and completed in 1436 CE. The Florence Cathedral is a classic example of Renaissance architecture.
Painted Tomb, Kazanlak
Image by Thrace Foundation

Painted Tomb, Kazanlak

Tomb in the town of Kazanlak, Bulgaria. Painted in dromos and dome camera. Dromos - scene with battle scenes Dome camera - a scene with a symposium Beginning of the 3rd century BCE. Photographer: Marin Karavelov (used with permission)
Legacy of the Ancient Romans
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Legacy of the Ancient Romans

The legacy of the ancient Romans – from both the time of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and the time of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - 476 CE) – exerted a significant influence on succeeding cultures and is still felt around the world in the...
Ellora Caves
Article by Mark Cartwright

Ellora Caves

Ellora (also known as Elura and, in ancient times, as Elapura) is a sacred site in Maharastra, central India. The Ellora Caves are listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and is celebrated for its Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain temples and monuments...
The Capture of Jerusalem, 1099 CE
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Capture of Jerusalem, 1099 CE

The capture of Jerusalem from Muslim control was the primary goal of the First Crusade (1095-1102 CE), a combined military campaign organised by western rulers, the Pope, and the Byzantine Empire. After a brief siege, the city was captured...