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Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Image by Alexander Blum

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

A view of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust (1941-1945), from the Ministergärten. Designed by New York architect Peter Eisenman, the memorial covers 19,000 square metres...
B17 Flying Fortresses over Europe
Image by US Air Force

B17 Flying Fortresses over Europe

A photograph of USAAF Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses flying over Europe during the Second World War (1939-45).
Europe in 526 CE
Image by Ramsey Muir

Europe in 526 CE

Europe in 526 CE.
Oldest Mural in Europe
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Oldest Mural in Europe

This photo shows a reconstruction of the "Cult Wall" of Ludwigshafen, the oldest mural in Europe. The original painting was created around 3860 BCE, depicting hunting trophies of aurochs and bison, fine textiles, as well as a human torso...
The Greatest Extent of the Ottoman Empire in Europe (1683 CE)
Image by Chamboz

The Greatest Extent of the Ottoman Empire in Europe (1683 CE)

A depiction of the Ottoman Empire and its dependencies in 1683 CE, with an indication of territory held prior to that date.
Peter I Travelling Across Europe
Image by Anonymous

Peter I Travelling Across Europe

Peter the Great (r. 1682-1725) in Russian dress during the Grand Embassy (1697-1698). Austrian National Library, Vienna.
Clay Stove from Central Europe
Image by Nathalie Choubineh

Clay Stove from Central Europe

Replica of a 16th-century earthenware stove with decorative tiles from around Šenkvice. Slovak National Museum, Bratislava. Central European clay stoves emerged in the late medieval period as an evolution of the traditional dome-shaped...
Early Medieval Coronation Ceremony
Image by Mohawk Games

Early Medieval Coronation Ceremony

An artist's depiction of an coronation ceremony in early Medieval Europe. From the game Old World.
Shaft-Hole Axe from Early Dynastic Period
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Shaft-Hole Axe from Early Dynastic Period

This shaft-hole axe dates back to the early dynastic period,2800-2350 BCE, Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).
Japanese Culture: Ancient to Modern
Video by Mantikore420

Japanese Culture: Ancient to Modern

Cultivating an ancient legacy, modern Japan continues to hold on to its past. And while today many of the ancient crafts are struggling to survive, they provide the foundation for modern Japan's technological success. What the Ancient Japanese...