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Ancient Mesopotamia from Cities to Empires
Image by Simeon Netchev

Ancient Mesopotamia from Cities to Empires

A visual timeline illustrating the development of what most consider the “cradle of civilization” - Mesopotamia (meaning “the land between two rivers,” the Tigris and Euphrates) from the emergence of small tribal settlements in the Stone...
Berber Empires: Zirids, Almoravids and Almohads DOCUMENTARY
Video by Kings and Generals

Berber Empires: Zirids, Almoravids and Almohads DOCUMENTARY

The Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the ancient civilizations continues with a video on the Berbers. In the first history video we talked about the ancient origins of the North African civilization (https://youtu.be/qMv9Gyc08P8...
Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Ancient Documentary | The Sumerian and Akkadian Empires.
Video by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Ancient Documentary | The Sumerian and Akkadian Empires.

The Early Dynastic Period of Mesopotamia is the modern-day archaeological term for the era in Mesopotamian history — 2900-2334 BCE — during which some of the most significant cultural advances were made including the rise of the cities, the...
Definition by Peter Davidson


An empire is a political construct in which one state dominates over another state, or a series of states. At its heart, an empire is ruled by an emperor, even though many states in history without an emperor at their head are called "empires"...
The Crisis of the Third Century
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Crisis of the Third Century

The Crisis of the Third Century (also known as the Imperial Crisis, 235-284 CE) was the period in the history of the Roman Empire during which it splintered into three separate political entities: the Gallic Empire, the Roman Empire, and...
Author Interview: Son of Ishtar by Gordon Doherty
Interview by Jan van der Crabben

Author Interview: Son of Ishtar by Gordon Doherty

Today we sit down with Gordon Doherty to discuss his new book Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar. Based in the dark and cold north (i.e. Scotland), Gordon has written extensively on ancient Greece and Rome. His new novel, however, takes us...
The Camel Caravans of the Ancient Sahara
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Camel Caravans of the Ancient Sahara

The camel caravans which crossed the great dunes of the Sahara desert began in antiquity but reached their golden period from the 9th century CE onwards. In their heyday caravans consisted of thousands of camels travelling from North Africa...
Byzantine-Armenian Relations
Article by Mark Cartwright

Byzantine-Armenian Relations

The relationship between the Byzantine Empire and ancient Armenia was a constant and varied one with an equal mix of wars, occupations, treaties of friendship, mutual military aid, and cultural exchange. Regarded as a vital defence to the...
Great African Kingdoms
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Great African Kingdoms

This collection presents a small sampling of the many great African kingdoms that rose and fell from the ancient period when Punt traded with Egypt up through the common era. Each kingdom developed a distinct culture and corresponding art...
Definition by Syed Muhammad Khan


Islam is an Abrahamic-monotheistic religion based upon the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (l. 570-632 CE, after whose name Muslims traditionally add “peace be upon him” or, in writing, PBUH). Alongside Christianity and Judaism...