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European 16th Century Armour
Typical weapons and armour used in European warfare in the 16th century and by conquistadors in the New World. (Grand Master's Palace Armoury, Valletta, Malta)
European Astrolabe
A European brass planispheric astrolabe, made in Italy c. 1500. The astrolabe was a device used to measure the position of stars, time, and as a surveying tool. (Science Museum, London)
European Port Factories at Canton
A reverse-glass painting showing the European customs factories at Canton (modern Guangzhou, China) around 1805.
European Depiction of a Victorious Saladin
A romanticized portrait of Saladin, by Gustav Dore (made in the 19th century).
European conquest of the Americas
Let's look at a map and see a summary of the different phases of exploration, conquests and colonization of American territories by European powers, beginning from the mid-15th century CE.
European Conquest of America - Summary on a Map
Let's retrace here the colonization by Europeans, from the discovery by Christopher Columbus until the end of the Seven Years’ War.
European Migration: Crash Course
Between 1840 and 1914 CE, an estimated 40 million people left Europe. This is one of the most significant migrations in human history. So, who was leaving Europe? And why?
Indo-European language family tree
Partial tree of Indo-European languages. Branches are in order of first attestation; those to the left are Centum, those to the right are Satem. Languages in red are extinct. White labels indicate categories / un-attested proto-languages...
Indo-European Language Family
Approximate geographical distribution of the Indo-European language family today in Eurasia.
Western European Medieval castle (From the Novel "The Jericho River")
An illustration by Maia Kobabe showing a Western European Medieval castle.
From the novel The Jericho River by David Tollen.