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Bird's Eye View of the Fort of Batticaloa
Image by Johannes Janssonius Waasbergen

Bird's Eye View of the Fort of Batticaloa

Bird's eye view of the fort of Batticaloa, copperplate printing on paper by Johannes Janssonius Waasbergen, c. 1665. Nationaal Archief, The Hague.
Horus Figurine
Image by Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez (1883)

Horus Figurine

Horus; from a bronze in the Posno collection. From A History of Art in Ancient Egypt, Vol. I by Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez (1883).
Stela of Amun & Horus the Behdetite
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Stela of Amun & Horus the Behdetite

Only part of this limestone stela has survived. The stela depicts a barque of the god Amun carried by priests epithet of Horus the Behdetite. From Koptos (Qift), Egypt. 19th Dynasty, 1292-1187 BCE. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology...
Stela of Ihefy & Horus
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Stela of Ihefy & Horus

This painted wooden stela depicts a man (his name is identified as Ihefy and his title was "the doorkeeper of the house of Amun") adoring the hawk-headed god Horus. Horus sits on a throne and holds a flail. There is a red and blue lotus bloom...
Set Defeated by Horus
Image by momo

Set Defeated by Horus

Set defeated by Horus as depicted in the Ptolemaic Period Temple of Horus at Edfu.
Horus Bird Statuette
Image by A.K.

Horus Bird Statuette

Small statue of Horus. Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst (State Museum of Egyptian Art), Munich.
Set and Horus Blessing Ramesses II
Image by Dennis Jarvis

Set and Horus Blessing Ramesses II

Scene from the Temple of Hathor (Abu Simbel, Egypt), built during the reign of Ramesses II, c. 1264-1224 BCE. Set and Horus blessing Ramesses II.
Statue of Horus
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statue of Horus

Standing-striding granodiorite statue of the god Horus, from the mortuary temple of Amenophis III, Western Thebes, New Kingdom of Egypt, 18th Dynasty, c. 1360 BCE. State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich, Germany.
Horus Statuette
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Horus Statuette

In this silver statue, Horus wearing the double crown. Egypt, 27th Dynasty, circa 500 BCE. (State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich, Germany).
Anubis, Thoth, & Horus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Anubis, Thoth, & Horus

Wooden figures of the Egyptian gods Anubis (jackal), Thoth (ibis), and Horus (falcon). Holes in their bases suggest they were carried on poles as standards for use during funeral processions. Ptolemaic Period, 3rd-2nd century BCE. (Egyptian...