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Arrest of Louis XVI and His Family in Varennes, 1791
The arrest of Louis XVI and his family following their failed escape from Paris, 22 June 1791. By Thomas Falcon Marshall, 1854. Oil on canvas.

Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, & Family
An 1846 family portrait by Franz Xaver Winterhalter showing Queen Victoria (r. 1837-1901), Albert, Prince Consort, and their then five children. (Royal Collection)

Evacuation of the Portuguese Royal Family to Brazil
The Portuguese royal family evacuates Lisbon for Brazil as the French army closes in at the start of the Peninsular War (1807-1814). Painting by Henri L'Evêque, 1812.

Marble Grave Stele with a Family Group
This marble grave stele depicting a family group (from Attica, Greece) is dated to c. 360 BCE. It is now housed at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Chiricahua-Apache Medicine Man in Traditional Wickiup with Family, 1883
A Chiricahua-Apache medicine man in the traditional Apache dwelling of a wickiup with his family in 1883. The Chiricahua are one of the six bands of the Apache nation. Photograph by A. Frank Randall. Denver Public Library Special Collections...

The Family Founder Sculpture, Lepenski Vir
The Family Founder (Serbian Cyrillic: Родоначелник) is a quartz sandstone sculpture dating back from c. 6300 – c. 5900 BCE found at Lepenski Vir (Serbia). (Lepenski Vir Museum)

Old World - Family Tree
Screenshot of the family tree in the game Old World by Mohawk Games.

Two Phalerae with Portraits of Princes of the Imperial Family
These two glass medallions (phalerae) depict portraits of two princes of the Roman imperial family. Roman period, c. 20-40 CE. 1. Left: the younger Drusus, son of Emperor Tiberius (r. 14-37 CE). The medallion is set in its original mount...

Sabu's Family Group Statue
In this limestone statue, Sabu and his wife Meritites appear seated. The wife holds her husband at the lower chest. Only the lower legs of their son Iseb appear between their legs. From modern-day Egypt. Old Kingdom, 5th Dynasty, circa 2400...

Black Elk and His Family
Black Elk (also known as Nicholas Black Elk, l. 1863-1950) photographed here with his daughter, Lucy Black Elk, and wife Anna Brings White, in their home in Manderson, South Dakota, c. 1910.
Denver Public Library Special Collections