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Hattusili III's Letter to Kadasman-Enlil II
This clay tablet represents a letter from Ḫattušili III (king of the Hittite Empire) to Kadašman-Enlil II (Kadashman-Enlil II; the Kassite king of Babylon). The beginning reads "I mourned for your father and shed tears for him. I sent a messenger...

Twelve Gods of the Underworld, Yazilikaya Hittite Sanctuary
West wall of Chamber B of the Yazilikaya Hittite Sanctuary near Hattusa (13th century BCE) depicting the Twelve Gods of the Underworld. They wear short shirts, belts and shoes curling up at the toe. They each carry a crescent-shaped sword...

Rock Relief with Procession of Hittite Deities at Yazilikaya
Rock relief in Chamber A of the Yazilikaya Hittite Sanctuary (13th century BCE) near Hattusa depicting a procession of male deities. They all wear shoes curling up at the toe, and many are armed with either a sickle-shaped sword or a mace...

Hittite relief of a Winged Lion-Headed Demon at Yazilikaya
Entrance to Chamber B of the Yazilikaya Hittite Rock Sanctuary near Hattusa (13th century BCE) with a relief of a winged, lion-headed demon.

Prayer of King Arnuwanda and Queen Asmu-Nikkal
The royal couple (the Hittite king Arnuwanda and his wife Ašmu-nikal) is complaining to the gods about the Kaška people for having sacked the Hatti country, demolished the temples, and broken the statues of the gods. They are imploring the...

Ruins of Sapinuwa
Sapinuwa was an important Hittite military and religious centre (today Ortakoy in central Turkey). The city was established in a long valley between Alacahöyük and Hattusa, along the east-west trade route leading to Middle Anatolia.

Plague Prayers of Mursilis II
The Hittite king Muršiliš II is imploring the gods to end the plague which has infested his country since the time of his father, Arnuwanda II. 13th century BCE (the tablet was originally written in the second half of the 14th century BCE...

Nineveh (modern-day Mosul, Iraq) was one of the oldest and greatest cities in antiquity. It was originally known as Ninua, a trade center, and would become one of the largest and most affluent cities in antiquity. It was regarded highly by...

Bronze Age Collapse
The Bronze Age Collapse (also known as Late Bronze Age Collapse) is a modern-day term referring to the decline and fall of major Mediterranean civilizations during the 13th-12th centuries BCE. The precise cause of the Bronze Age Collapse...

Troy is the name of the Bronze Age city attacked in the Trojan War, a popular story in the mythology of ancient Greece, and the name given to the archaeological site in the north-west of Asia Minor (now Turkey) which has revealed a large...