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Hare Indian Dog
Hare Indian Dog, hand-colored lithograph by John Woodhouse Audubon, 1848.
Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Wyoming.

The Armies of the East India Company
The East India Company (EIC) was first England's and then Britain's tool of colonial expansion in India and beyond. Revenue from trade and land taxes from territories it controlled allowed the EIC to build up its own private armies, collectively...

Zitkala-Sa - Old Indian Legends: Iktomi And The Muskrat
OLD INDIAN LEGENDS..... Fourteen Old Indian Legends by Native American (Dakota) Author Zitkala-sa. These Legends feature the exploits of Iktomi the Native American Trickster god. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY..... Zitkala-Ša (1876–1938) which translates...

Gardens in Indian Art - Jahangir and Prince Khurram with Nur Jahan
Tour this famous Indian Royal Garden as depicted in a 17th C. painting.

The 1622 Indian Massacre: A Personal Story
In my lecture on the Virginia Colony (, I discussed the strained relationship between the English colonists and the Powhatan Indians that culminated in the 1622 Indian Massacre, in which over 300...

Etowah Indian Mounds
As I was kayaking on the Etowah river, I pulled over to film these aerials of the Etowah Indian Mounds. My drone is the Mavic 2 Zoom and you can see a good use of the zoom lens on a close up of the Temple mound. At no time did I fly directly...

Interview: Bejeweled Sri Lanka
The first comprehensive survey of Sri Lankan art organized by an American museum, The Jeweled Isle: Art from Sri Lanka, on show now at the LACMA in Los Angeles, California, presents some 250 works addressing nearly two millennia of Sri Lankan...

Portuguese Cochin
Cochin, located on the southwest coast of India, was a Portuguese colony from 1503 to 1663. Known to the Portuguese as Cochim, it was one of several important cities on India’s Malabar Coast and a great trade centre for spices like pepper...

Int'l Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, and The Indian Ocean Trade: Crash Course World History #18
In which John Green teaches you the history of the Indian Ocean Trade. John weaves a tale of swashbuckling adventure, replete with trade in books, ivory, and timber. Along the way, John manages to cover advances in seafaring technology, just...

Mahabharata: the Ancient Indian Epic
The Mahabharata is an Ancient Indian Epic and is the longest epic poem in the world. It was believed to have been composed as early as the 4th c. BCE or even earlier by the sage Vyasa (who is also a character in the story). As a whole, the...