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White Huns (Hephthalites)
Definition by Muhammad Bin Naveed

White Huns (Hephthalites)

The White Huns were a race of largely nomadic peoples who were a part of the Hunnic tribes of Central Asia. They ruled over an expansive area stretching from the Central Asian lands all the way to the Western Indian Subcontinent. Although...
Definition by Saurav Ranjan Datta


Bimbisara (c. 545/544 BCE - c. 493/492 BCE) was a king of the Magadha Kingdom who is credited with establishing imperial dominance in the Indian subcontinent. Son of a minor king called Bhattiya, he belonged to the Haryanka Dynasty, which...
Delhi Durbar
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Delhi Durbar

The Delhi Durbar was a spectacular public event held in India to commemorate the accession of a new British monarch to the title Empress or Emperor of India. Three Delhi Durbars were held: 1877, 1903, and 1911. The event involved military...
Northern Cheyenne Exodus
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Northern Cheyenne Exodus

The Northern Cheyenne Exodus (1878-1879) is the modern-day term for the attempt by the Northern Cheyenne under chiefs Morning Star (Dull Knife, l. c. 1810-1883) and Little Wolf (also known as Little Coyote, l. c. 1820-1904) to leave the Southern...
The Early History of Clove, Nutmeg, & Mace
Article by James Hancock

The Early History of Clove, Nutmeg, & Mace

The spices clove, nutmeg, and mace originated on only a handful of tiny islands in the Indonesian archipelago but came to have a dramatic, far-reaching impact on world trade. In antiquity, they became popular in the medicines of India and...
A Soldier Recalls the Trail of Tears: John G. Burnett Account
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Soldier Recalls the Trail of Tears: John G. Burnett Account

John G. Burnett (b. 11 December 1810) was a private in the US Army in 1838 when he was ordered to act as interpreter between US officials and the Cherokee during the forced removal of Native Americans now known as the Trail of Tears. On his...
The Ajanta Caves
Article by Dola RC

The Ajanta Caves

The 30 caves at Ajanta lie to the north of Aurangabad in the Indhyadri range of Western Ghats. The caves, famous for their temple architecture and many delicately drawn murals, are located in a 76 m high, horseshoe-shaped escarpment overlooking...
Ghost Dance
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ghost Dance

The Ghost Dance (Spirit Dance) is an expression of rebirth and renewal using the traditional Native American circle dance, first practiced by the Paiute Nation in 1869 and again in 1889 when it was adopted by other Plains Indians nations...
Buffalo and the Plains Indians
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Buffalo and the Plains Indians

The buffalo were essential to the Plains Indians, and other Native American nations, as they were not only a vital food source but were regarded as a sacred gift the Creator had provided especially for the people. Buffalo (bison) supplied...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Pawnee are a Native American nation of the Plains Indians culture originally from the region of modern Nebraska. Prior to the European colonization of the Americas, they were among the most powerful of the Plains Indian tribes numbering...