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Ancient Democracy: What is Democracy and Where Did it Start?
Video by Kelly Macquire

Ancient Democracy: What is Democracy and Where Did it Start?

Ancient democracy was invented at the beginning of the 5th century BCE at almost the same time in both Athens and Rome. The word democracy comes from the Greek word demokratia with demos meaning the people and kratos meaning power or rule...
An Introduction to Archaeology: What is Archaeology and Why is it Important?
Video by Kelly Macquire

An Introduction to Archaeology: What is Archaeology and Why is it Important?

What is archaeology? In the broadest definition possible, archaeology is the study of human history through the material culture left behind. The desire among human beings for knowledge of what came before has always been there. Just look...
How They Did It - Growing Up Roman
Video by Invicta

How They Did It - Growing Up Roman

Experience daily life in ancient Rome through the eyes of a baby growing up roman from an infant to a teenager and eventually an adult. In this How They Did It documentary episode we bring history to life by exploring the family setting before...
The Rise & Fall of China's Han Dynasty Empire...and it's Rise & Fall Again
Video by Epimetheus

The Rise & Fall of China's Han Dynasty Empire...and it's Rise & Fall Again

The Han Dynasty Empire, it's Rise & Fall…and it’s Rise & Fall Again (Chinese History Documentary)
London Can Take It (1940)
Video by Imperial War Museums

London Can Take It (1940)

A short film about life in the London Blitz during WWII.
The Rosetta Stone: What is it and Why is it so Important?
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Rosetta Stone: What is it and Why is it so Important?

The discovery of the Rosetta Stone unlocked the secrets of Ancient Egypt with the Ancient Greek and Demotic texts being the key to translating the Hieroglyphics for the first time. So, if you want to know what the Rosetta Stone is, why it's...
How It's Made: Peace Pipes
Video by How It's Made Show

How It's Made: Peace Pipes

The show is a documentary showing how common, everyday items (including foodstuffs like bubblegum, industrial products such as engines, musical instruments such as guitars, and sporting goods such as snowboards) are manufactured. The show...
The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10
Video by CrashCourse

The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10

In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here's a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caesar, but maybe less than you think. Find out how Caesar came to rule the empire, what...
The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? - Crash Course
Video by CrashCourse

The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? - Crash Course

In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. European learning changed the world in the 15th and 16th century, but was it a cultural revolution, or an evolution? We'd argue that any cultural shift that occurs over a couple...
How did the Roman Republic Begin and What Was it Like Before the Roman Empire?
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

How did the Roman Republic Begin and What Was it Like Before the Roman Empire?

Before the Roman Empire, there was the Roman Republic, but how did the Roman Republic begin? Before Julius Caesar, Augustus and Antony and Cleopatra there was the Roman Republic, which got rid of the Kings of Rome, which began as Etruscan...