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Kingdom of Samo
Image by Bostjan46

Kingdom of Samo

Possible borders of the Slavic territory under the rule of King Samo in 631.
Kingdom of Kush
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Kingdom of Kush

Kush, Meroe, Napata, Kerma, Kush Economy, Kush Geography, Kush pyramids, Candaces
Kingdom of Ife: Ife uncovered
Video by The British Museum

Kingdom of Ife: Ife uncovered

Professor John Picton and metallurgist Paul Craddock discuss the meaning and the making of the sculptures in the exhibition Kingdom of Ife sculptures from West Africa
Kingdom of Majapahit - Wrath of the Khan - Extra History - #2
Video by Extra Credits

Kingdom of Majapahit - Wrath of the Khan - Extra History - #2

The Mongols came to the island of Java—the King of Singhasari had defied them for too long. But by the time they got there, the king had died, and instead someone claiming to be his stepson, Raden Vijaya, promised to be their vassal. The...
The Macedonian Kingdom at Philip II's Death, c. 336 BCE
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Macedonian Kingdom at Philip II's Death, c. 336 BCE

This map illustrates the state of the Macedonian Kingdom at the time of Philip II's death in 336 BCE, a powerful and unified state in northern Greece, poised to dominate the ancient world. Through military reform, strategic diplomacy, and...
Map of Kingdom of Axum
Image by Yom

Map of Kingdom of Axum

A map indicating the area controlled by the African kingdom of Axum (1st-8th century CE) on the coast of the Red Sea.
Woman & Two Sons, Middle Kingdom Statuette
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Woman & Two Sons, Middle Kingdom Statuette

This is a steatite statuette which depicts 3 standing persons. The woman stands in the middle (her name is Aa-Nubt) and her sons (Khenti-Khati-Hetep and Maat-Neferu) flank her on either side. From Egypt, precise provenance of excavation is...
The Kingdom of the Vandals (435–534 CE)
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Kingdom of the Vandals (435–534 CE)

This map illustrates the history of the Kingdom of the Vandals and Alans (435–534 CE), a state established in North Africa after the Vandals, a Germanic tribe, and the Alans, an Iranian-speaking nomadic group from the Sarmatian peoples, migrated...
Middle Kingdom of Egypt, c. 2000 BCE
Image by Simeon Netchev

Middle Kingdom of Egypt, c. 2000 BCE

This map illustrates the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2055–1650 BCE), a period of political stability, economic revival, and cultural flourishing between the turbulence of the First and Second Intermediate Periods. Established by Mentuhotep...
The New Kingdom of Egypt c. 1250 BCE
Image by Simeon Netchev

The New Kingdom of Egypt c. 1250 BCE

A map illustrating the state of Egypt at its height during the New Kingdom (c. 1570 - c. 1069 BCE). Also known as the Egyptian Empire, this period began with the reunification of Egypt under Ahmose I (around 1550 BCE) and ended c. 1070 BCE...