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Roger Williams
Roger Williams (l. 1603-1683 CE) was a Puritan separatist minister best known for his conflict with both the Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1633-1635 CE, resulting in his banishment and founding of the colony of Providence...

Mesrop Mashtots
Mesrop Mashtots (360/370 - c. 440 CE) invented the Armenian alphabet in 405 CE. Besides greatly increasing levels of literacy in the country, the language permitted ordinary people to read the Bible for the first time, thus helping to further...

Sumerian Hymn to Ishtar
This hymn to the goddess Ishtar is written in Sumerian; after every line in Sumerian, the text is translated in Akkadian. Such translations have been invaluable to modern scholars. They reflect how the Sumerian language had become difficult...

The Knot of the Dead
A section of the Stora Hammars I stone in Gotland representing a so-called valknut (the three triangles), alongside a figure with a spear, which might be interpreted as Odin, accompanied by what looks like a raven and a hanging man near a...

Etruscan Inscription
This is a detail of a large Etruscan ritual calander from Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy. The Etruscan language is preserved in about 10,000 short texts; the grave, votive, and ownership inscriptions. Only four longer texts are known so...

Ten Ancient Rome Facts You Need to Know
Ancient Roman culture affected vast numbers of people across the known world of its time, beginning with the rise of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and throughout the duration of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - c. 476 CE in the West and 1453...

Biblical Apocalypse
Apocalypse (Greek: apokalypsis, an "unveiling of secrets") is not an event, but a text that contains prophesies concerning God’s future intervention, and apocalypticism is a reference for attitudes and worldviews in biblical and non-canonical...

Chinookan Peoples, Creation Story, & Blue Jay Tales
The Chinook people (Chinookan peoples) are a Native American nation of the US Pacific Northwest who inhabited the region of modern-day southwest Washington state and northern Oregon; many Chinookans still live there. Among their most famous...

Ten North American Native Facts You Need To Know
The history and culture of the Native Peoples of North America are often overlooked as they have been largely eclipsed by the history of the European settlers who colonized the region beginning in the 17th century. The original inhabitants...

Five Key Historical Sites of the Hittites
Although mentioned several times in the Biblical texts, the actual existence of the Hittites was largely forgotten until the late 19th century CE. With the discovery of Hattusa in 1834 CE, the city that was for many years the capital of the...