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View of Mount Ararat from Armenia
Together, the Ararat Mountains straddle the borders of what are present-day Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. Mt. Ararat (“Greater Ararat”) rises to a height of 5,137 m (16,854 ft). Mt. Ararat’s neighboring mountain, Little Ararat (“Ararat...

Ancient Armenia Bronze Cauldron
This large bronze cauldron dates from the 18th-16th century BCE, and it was found in what is present-day Armenia. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)

Ancient Kernos from Armenia
This unusual kernos vessel is made of clay and dates from the 15th-13th century BCE. It was excavated in what is present-day Armenia. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)

Ancient Stamp Seal from Armenia
This clay stamp seal was made in what is now present-day Armenia around the 4th-3rd century BCE. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)

Eneolithic Tools from Armenia
These Eneolithic tools are made of stone or bone. They come from what is present-day Armenia, and they date from the 5th-4th century BCE. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)

Basalt Pillar with Cuneiform, Armenia
An ancient balsalt pillar in the southeastern section of the Erebuni Fortress, located on the outskirts of present-day Yerevan, Armenia. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Preserve, Yerevan, Armenia.)

Ancient Jewelry from Armenia
This picture shows a collection of jewels and jewelry (necklaces, pendants, beads) made of gold, tin, and sardonyx. These pieces were made in the 15-13th century BCE in what is present-day Armenia. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve...

Ritual Pot with Hunting Scenes from Armenia
This clay ritual pot depicts ancient hunting scenes. It was discovered in what is present-day Armenia and it dates from the 11-9th century BCE. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)

Eneolithic Stone Statuette from Armenia
This Eneolithic stone statuette of a woman is from what is present-day Armenia. It dates from the 5th-4th century BCE. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)

Ancient Ritual Ware from Armenia
This elegant ritual ware vessel is made of clay and dates from the 12th-9th century BCE. It was excavated in what is present-day Armenia. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)