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Drawing or Living Room at the Jim Thompson House Museum
Image by Kim Martins

Drawing or Living Room at the Jim Thompson House Museum

This is the drawing or living room at the Jim Thompson House Museum in Bangkok, Thailand. The house was built c. 1959 CE from teak that was hundreds of years old and salvaged by Jim Thompson from the ruins of Ayutthaya (c. 1351 - 1757 CE...
Roman Shipbuilding & Navigation
Article by Victor Labate

Roman Shipbuilding & Navigation

Unlike today, where shipbuilding is based on science and where ships are built using computers and sophisticated tools, shipbuilding in ancient Rome was more of an art relying on rules of thumb, inherited techniques and personal experience...
Battle of Flamborough Head
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Flamborough Head

The Battle of Flamborough Head (23 September 1779) was one of the most famous naval engagements of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Fought off the coast of Yorkshire, England, it pitted the USS Bonhomme Richard, commanded by John...
Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses
Image by Peter F. Rothermel

Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses

Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses, painting by the American artist Peter F. Rothermel (l. 1817-1895 CE), 1852 CE. The painting depicts the patriot Patrick Henry proclaiming, "If this be treason, make the most of it!" in...
Cupid Frieze, House of the Vettii, Pompeii
Image by M.Violanti

Cupid Frieze, House of the Vettii, Pompeii

A section of the 1st century CE cupids frieze from the triclinium or dining room from the House of the Vetti in Pompeii. The frieze depicts cupids selling flowers and perfumes and as workers who sell flowers, make wine and work gold.
Cat with a Quail Mosaic, House of the Faun
Image by Carole Raddato

Cat with a Quail Mosaic, House of the Faun

Roman mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Italy. In the upper register, a cat clutches a quail. In the lower register, two ducks feed next to an assortment of seafood. National Archaeological Museum of Naples.
Great House, Kilwa
Image by David Stanley

Great House, Kilwa

The ruins of the Great House, Kilwa on the Swahili Coast (modern Tanzania). Likely constructed during the reign of al Hasan ibn Suleiman (r. 1320-1333 CE).
Abandoned Hopi House and View from Oraibi Village
Image by Promking

Abandoned Hopi House and View from Oraibi Village

Abandoned stone house and surrounding landscape of the Hopi village of Oraibi, in northern Arizona, USA. Photograph by Promking, 2010.
Reconstructed Israelite House
Image by Talmoryair

Reconstructed Israelite House

Reconstructed Israelite House, 10th-7th cent BCE, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
The House of the Prince of Naples in Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

The House of the Prince of Naples in Pompeii

The House of the Prince of Naples in Pompeii is located on the west side of the Vicolo dei Vettii in Regio VI. The atrium of the domus has an impluvium and a marble table with richly carved supports. The walls of all the rooms are decorated...