Mesoamerican civilization: Did you mean...?


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Located in the foothills of the Chiapas altiplano of modern Mexico, Palenque was an important Maya city which flourished between c. 600 and 750 CE. The name Palenque derives from the Spanish, meaning 'fortified place', but the original Maya...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Huitzilopochtli (pron. Huit-zi-lo-pocht-li) or 'Hummingbird of the South' or 'Blue Hummingbird on the Left' was one of the most important deities in the Aztec pantheon and for the Méxica he was the supreme god. He was the god of the sun and...
Templo Mayor
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Templo Mayor

The Templo Mayor or Great Temple (called Hueteocalli by the Aztecs) dominated the central sacred precinct of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. Topped by twin temples dedicated to the war god Huitzilopochtli and the rain god Tlaloc it was a...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Xochipilli or the 'Prince of Flowers' was the Mesoamerican god of summer, flowers, pleasure, love, dancing, painting, feasting, creativity and souls. He is a benevolent manifestation of Piltzintecuhtli, the young sun god who was himself a...
El Tajin
Definition by Mark Cartwright

El Tajin

El Tajin is located near the coast of eastern Mexico and was an important Mesoamerican centre which flourished between 900 and 1100 CE. A part of the Veracruz culture, the city's architecture also displays both Maya and Oaxacan influences...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Xochicalco in central Mexico was an important hilltop centre from the 8th century CE and was a rival and successor of Teotihuacán. Architecture at the site is closely connected to that of the Classic Maya, Teotihuacan, and Veracruz, and contact...
Casas Grandes
Definition by James Blake Wiener

Casas Grandes

Casas Grandes or Paquimé was a major pre-Columbian city that flourished due to its extensive trading networks between c. 1150/1200-1450 CE in the northwest of present-day Chihuahua, Mexico. Casas Grandes is one of the largest and most important...
Maya Writing
Article by Mark Cartwright

Maya Writing

The Maya hieroglyphic writing system was a sophisticated combination of pictographs directly representing objects and ideograms (glyphs) expressing more abstract concepts such as actions, ideas and syllabic sounds. Maya writing has survived...
The End of Civilization in the Bronze Age: Crash Course World History 211
Video by CrashCourse

The End of Civilization in the Bronze Age: Crash Course World History 211

In which John Green teaches you about the Bronze Age civilization in what we today call the Middle East, and how the vast, interconnected civilization that encompassed Egypt, The Levant, and Mesopotamia came to an end. What's that you say...
Introduction to the Indus Valley Civilization
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Introduction to the Indus Valley Civilization

Introduction to the Indus Valley Civilization - who were they? Where was the Indus Valley? Why are we so interested in them? All of these questions and more will be answered in this video! The Indus Valley Civilization- named for the Indus...