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Jesus Christ Depicted on Jelling Stone
Jelling tones raised by King Harold Bluetooth (r. 958-985 CE) in memory of his deceased parents. As a Christian convert, Bluetooth was responsible for Denmark’s adoption of the new religion, thus he had one side of the larger stone depict...

Mesopotamian Carved Stone with Integral Handle
This carved grey stone has an integral handle. It was possibly a weight. There are eight compartments decorated with the shapes of eyes and rosettes. The handle imitates basketry and is ornamented with lozenges in relief. The stone might...

Stone Monument of Esarhaddon
Irregular rectangular-sided monument recording Esarhaddon's restoration of Babylon; possibly black basalt; carved symbols on the upper surface. Height 8.5 inches. The stone is not local to Mesopotamia. The irregular shape of the object...

Stone Face Monoliths of Palau
Considering Palau’s Earthwork Era (c. 450 BC to AD 850), the Badrulchau stone monoliths can be dated to c. 161 CE and are part of the thirty-eight monoliths on the islands of Babledaob and Oreor (Koror), twenty-eight of which had human features...

Stone tablet of Nabu-apla-iddina
This stone tablet records the restoration of certain lands by the Babylonian king Nabu-apla-iddina to a priest. On the top of the stone are 13 symbols of the gods designed to protect the legal statement. Both the king, wearing the typical...

Celtic Turoe Stone
The Celtic Turoe Stone, 1st century BCE. Covered in vegetal designs, the significance of the stone is not known but it likely had a sacred significance and probably once stood at a sacred site. Bullaun, County Galway, Ireland.

Grinding Stone from Nabta Playa
Seeds and wild grasses were processed with round or oval grinders (manos) of hard quartzitic sandstone. These were rubbed against a larger mill stone to make flour. A depression in the lower stone's surface prevented spillage. The abundance...

Odin on Sleipnir (Tjängvide image stone)
The Tjängvide image stone dating to the Viking Age found in Gotland, Sweden and probably showing Odin on his horse Sleipnir (or otherwise a dead man arriving at Odin's hall of Valhalla) on the middle-right.

Olmec Colossal Stone Head, San Lorenzo
An Olmec colossal stone head in basalt from San Lorenzo, c. 1200-400 BCE. Although all wear the hat or headdress worn during war and the Mesoamerican ballgame, each of these massive heads has unique features which suggests they depict specific...

Chavin Stone Tenon Head
A stone head which originally protruded from the exterior wall of the temple at the Chavin religious site of Chavin de Huantar. Over 100 such heads have been found, each is unique and represents the transformation of a shaman into a supernatural...