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National Museum of New Zealand: Te Papa Tongarewa
The iconic Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington, New Zealand opened in 1988 CE and houses the national art collection among its taonga (or treasures).

Slave Shackle, 1811, New Orleans, USA
Slave shackle, found on Baronne Street in New Orleans.
1811 Kid Ory Historic House, LaPlace, Louisiana.

The New Kingdom of Egypt c. 1250 BCE
A map illustrating the state of Egypt at its height during the New Kingdom (c. 1570 - c. 1069 BCE). Also known as the Egyptian Empire, this period began with the reunification of Egypt under Ahmose I (around 1550 BCE) and ended c. 1070 BCE...

Map of New England
Map of New England by Captain John Smith
Printed by Geor. Low, 1624 CE
Based on Smith's 1614 CE voyage, this is the first printed map to use the name “New England” for the region and was used by the pilgrims who founded Plymouth Colony.

New Kingdom Nobleman
A limestone relief depicting a nobleman, New Kingdom, Dynasty XIX or XX, c. 1295-1070 BCE. The figure is probably a scene from an offering in the Underworld. On the left side a hand is holding a sistrum and flower. (Brooklyn Museum, New York...

The Arrival of George Washington at New York City, April 30, 1789
The Arrival of George Washington at New York City, April 30, 1789, oil on canvas by Arsène-Hippolyte Rivey, 1870.
New York Historical Society.

New Amsterdam
An image portraying New Amsterdam, centred in the eventual Lower Manhattan, in 1664, the year England under Richard Nicolls took control and renamed it "New York".

Plants Found in New Holland.
Illustration of Australian plants found in New Holland (Australia) by William Dampier (1651-1715) - from Dampier's book A Voyage to New Holland (1703).

Slave Market in Wall Street, New York City, c. 1730
Slave market in Wall Street, New York City, c. 1730. Drawing published in A History of the American People (1902-1903), attributed to Harry Fenn.
New York Public Library Digital Collections.

New Amada, Egypt
New Amada is an archaeological site containing three ancient Nubian monuments spared from the rising waters of Lake Nasser. It is the new location of the oldest temple ever found in Nubia (Temple of Amada) and the only rock-cut temple built...