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Pets in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pets in Colonial America

Pets in Colonial America were kept by the colonists for the same reasons they were in Europe: for companionship and, in the case of dogs, for protection, hunting, and herding. Cats controlled vermin in homes and barns until the 18th century...
African Slave Life in Colonial British America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

African Slave Life in Colonial British America

African slave life in Colonial British America was far worse than slavery practiced in the Americas prior to the arrival of Europeans. The indigenous tribes took people as slaves in raids, enslaved those convicted of crimes, and traded slaves...
Religion in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Religion in Colonial America

Religion in Colonial America was dominated by Christianity although Judaism was practiced in small communities after 1654. Christian denominations included Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Congregationalists, German Pietists, Lutherans, Methodists...
Ten North American Native Inventions You Need to Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten North American Native Inventions You Need to Know

The Native Peoples of North America raised cities, built roads, and developed highly sophisticated cultures which encouraged the invention of many items often taken for granted or whose origins are overlooked in the modern day, from aspirin...
Native American Enslavement in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Native American Enslavement in Colonial America

Slavery was practiced by the Native Americans before any Europeans arrived in the region. People of one tribe could be taken by another for a variety of reasons but, whatever the reason, it was understood that the enslaved had done something...
Ten North American Native Facts You Need To Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten North American Native Facts You Need To Know

The history and culture of the Native Peoples of North America are often overlooked as they have been largely eclipsed by the history of the European settlers who colonized the region beginning in the 17th century. The original inhabitants...
Religion & Superstition in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Religion & Superstition in Colonial America

Religion and superstition went hand in hand in Colonial America, and one’s belief in the first confirmed the validity of the second. The colonists' worldview was completely informed by religion and so everything that happened - good or bad...
Daily Life in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Daily Life in Colonial America

Life in Colonial America was difficult and often short but the colonists made the best of their situation in the hopes of a better life for themselves and their families. The early English colonists, used to purchasing what they needed, found...
America's First Paper Currency: The History of Money, America
Video by The Market is Open

America's First Paper Currency: The History of Money, America

Where did paper money come from? Despite it seeming like a modern invention, its origins go back to Ancient China. And, despite it now being hard to think of a world without paper money, in 1968, Americans could still redeem their U.S. bills...
Native America: Pre-Columbian America
Video by Heimler's History

Native America: Pre-Columbian America

Hear about what American was like before Whitey showed up in all of its diverse complexity. But I'll also talk about the Age of Exploration, Whitey's arrival in America, and the great Columbian Exchange.