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Lesson Pack
Warfare & Battles in Ancient Greece
We have prepared four lesson plans including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Multiple choice quiz questions in an excel format. Glossary of keywords and concepts in an excel format. Open questions adaptable...

Roman Armor & Weapons
From the days of the hoplites through the creation of the legionary until the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, the Roman army remained a feared opponent, and the Roman legionary's weapons and armor, albeit with minor modifications, remained...

Roman Warfare in the Age of Pyrrhus
The Roman army fought many conflicts throughout its long history, though perhaps none so indelible as the Pyrrhic War from 280 to 275 BCE. This war between Rome and a league of Greek colonies in southern Italy led by the city of Tarentum...

Legions of Moesia
The province of Moesia was vital to the Roman military’s protection of the Balkans. Subdued by the Roman commander Marcus Licinius Crassus in 29 BCE, it was initially part of Macedonia. Due to its location along the Danube, it became essential...

Warfare & Battles in Ancient Greece
Darius I Cosmopolitan Delian League Diadochi Hoplite Hoplon Ionian Revolt Leonidas I Mardonius Miltiades Oblique Infantry Deployment Peace of Callias Pelopponesian League Phalanx Satrap Successor Themistocles Trireme Xerxes I

Overarm Vs. Underarm Spear and Shield Reply to Demomanchaos and Critics
Thrand and Marquez reply to Demomanchoas, critics and skeptical viewers by redoing the barrel test the way Thrand had originally wanted. So sit back grab an ale or mead and enjoy this extreme weapon testing of Dory or spear and shield. Find...

Roman Warfare
Roman warfare was remarkably successful over many centuries and across many territories. This was due to several important factors. Italy was a peninsula not easily attacked, there was a huge pool of fighting men to draw upon, a disciplined...

Etruscan Civilization
The Etruscan civilization flourished in central Italy between the 8th and 3rd century BCE. The culture was renowned in antiquity for its rich mineral resources and as a major Mediterranean trading power. Much of its culture and even history...

The chariot was a light vehicle, usually on two wheels, drawn by one or more horses, often carrying two standing persons, a driver and a fighter using bow-and-arrow or javelins. The chariot was the supreme military weapon in Eurasia roughly...

Ancient Indian Warfare
War was the chief means by which territory was annexed or rulers defeated in ancient India, which was divided into multiple kingdoms, republics and empires. Often one empire predominated or different empires co-existed. The Vedic literature...