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SS Great Eastern
Definition by Mark Cartwright

SS Great Eastern

The SS Great Eastern was a steam-powered ship designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) which sailed on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York in June 1860. At the time, it was by far the largest passenger ship ever built, a record...
Star Compass
Image by Newportm

Star Compass

A recreation of the star compass of Polynesian navigator, Mau Piailug (1932-2010 CE), depicted with shells on sand and with Satawalese (Caroline Islands) text labels, as described by the Polynesian Voyaging Society.
Viking Ships
Definition by Emma Groeneveld

Viking Ships

Viking ships were built by the Scandinavians during the Viking Age (c. 790 CE - c. 1100 CE) and were used both within Scandinavia and beyond for purposes ranging from being the most important means of transport to trade and warfare. Viking...
Map of Polynesia
Image by Oceania_ISO_3166-1.svg: User:Tintazul

Map of Polynesia

Map showing the Polynesian Triangle and some of its islands.
Who's Who in a Pirate Crew
Article by Mark Cartwright

Who's Who in a Pirate Crew

It was all very well pocketing other people’s valuables and roistering at rum parties, but life on a pirate ship involved a surprising amount of hard work. Pirates were first and foremost sailors and in the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730...
Harrison's Marine Chronometer
Article by Mark Cartwright

Harrison's Marine Chronometer

John Harrison (1693-1776) invented an accurate marine chronometer after several decades of research and development. While the pendulum clock had already been invented in the 17th century, a clock that could withstand the vagaries of the...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


The astrolabe is an astronomical instrument used from around the 6th century to measure time and position by determining the altitude of heavenly bodies like the Sun and certain stars. Measurements were taken in reference to the viewer's...
Tattooed Warrior from the Marquesas Islands
Image by Madame S. Hoare

Tattooed Warrior from the Marquesas Islands

The Marquesan culture is said to have evolved the most elaborate tattoo art. This photograph was taken in 1880 CE and shows the traditional tattoo designs of the Polynesian region - specifically, that of the Marquesas Islands.
Painting of Tahitian Polynesians in a Canoe
Image by Henry Byam Martin

Painting of Tahitian Polynesians in a Canoe

This painting is of Tahitians in a canoe and was done by Henry Byam Martin, a ship captain who visited Tahiti in the mid-1800s CE. Martin was a captain in the British Navy who painted and drew during his travels. This picture was painted...
Louisiana Purchase
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal made in 1803, in which the United States purchased 828,000 square miles (2,144,510 km²) of land west of the Mississippi River from France for $15 million, or an average of three cents per acre. The purchase...