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Setna I: A Detailed Summary & Commentary
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Setna I: A Detailed Summary & Commentary

Setna I (also Setna Khaemaus and the Mummies) is a work of ancient Egyptian literature from the Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE) written in demotic script. It is part of a cycle of stories known as the Tales of Prince Setna featuring a character...
The Magical Lullaby of Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Magical Lullaby of Ancient Egypt

The Magical Lullaby (popularly known as Charm for the Protection of a Child) is an inscription from the 16th or 17th century BCE. The poem exemplifies the ancient Egyptian's personal religious and spiritual practices as it is a spell which...
Stories from the Westcar Papyrus
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Stories from the Westcar Papyrus

The Westcar Papyrus, dated to the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt (1782 - c.1570 BCE), but most likely written during the Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE), contains some of the most interesting tales from ancient Egypt. The papyrus takes...
Immortality of Writers in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Immortality of Writers in Ancient Egypt

For the ancient Egyptians, life on earth was only one part of an eternal journey which continued after death. One's purpose in life was to live in balance with one's self, family, community, and the gods. Any occupation in Egypt was considered...
Conflict Between the Temple and the Crown in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Conflict Between the Temple and the Crown in Ancient Egypt

The gods of ancient Egypt were worshipped as the creators and sustainers of all life. People acknowledged their supremacy and intimacy daily through rituals, amulets, and their labor for the king. Everyone, from farmers to craftsmen to merchants...
Gods of Ancient Egypt
Quiz by Patrick Goodman

Gods of Ancient Egypt

Amun-Ra Anubis Bastet Geb Hathor Heka Horus Isis Ma'at Nephthys Nut Osiris Ptah Set Sobek Thoth
The Battle of Kadesh: Ancient Egypt vs. The Hittites
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Battle of Kadesh: Ancient Egypt vs. The Hittites

The Battle of Kadesh was waged between Ancient Egypt under the rule of Ramesses II (also known as Ramesses the Great), and the Hittite Empire under King Muwatalli II. According to Egyptian chronology, the battle was fought in 1274 BCE at...