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Queens of Jerusalem: The Women Who Dared to Rule
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ by Kelly Macquire

Queens of Jerusalem: The Women Who Dared to Rule

Queens of Jerusalem: The Women Who Dared To Rule by Katherine Pangonis is a non-fiction book focussed on the lives of the royal women who ruled in the medieval Middle East (or Outremer) from 1099 to Saladin's conquest of Jerusalem in 1187...
Stone Tablet of Queen Yaba
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Stone Tablet of Queen Yaba

This stone tablet was found in a niche into the right-hand wall of the space leading to the burial chamber of Tomb II (one of the vaulted burial chambers of the so-called Queens' Tombs inside the North-West Palace at Nimrud). The cuneiform...
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Six Wives of Henry VIII

In his search to secure the continuation of the Tudor line, Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) married an incredible six times. Some marriages were the result of passion while others were arranged for political reasons. One divorce caused...
Ten Great Ancient Mesopotamian Women
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Great Ancient Mesopotamian Women

The lives of women in ancient Mesopotamia were regulated by a patriarchal hierarchy, but within this social structure, there were many who distinguished themselves and some who were able to assume positions traditionally held by men. Women...
Great Female Rulers of Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Great Female Rulers of Ancient Egypt

Women in ancient Egypt had more rights than in any other ancient culture and were valued with greater respect. This is evident not only in the physical evidence and inscriptions but in their religion. Some of the most powerful and important...
Ten Ancient Egypt Facts You Need to Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Ancient Egypt Facts You Need to Know

Ancient Egypt is defined as the civilization which flourished in North Africa between c. 6000-30 BCE – from the Predynastic Period in Egypt (c. 6000 - c. 3150 BCE) through the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE) before Egypt became a province...
Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East with Amanda H. Podany
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East with Amanda H. Podany

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia sits down with author and Assyriologist Amanda H. Podany to learn all about her new book Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East published by Oxford University Press...
The Queens and Royal Women of Sweden, c. 970–1330
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ by Kimberly Anne

The Queens and Royal Women of Sweden, c. 970–1330

The Queens and Royal Women of Sweden, c. 970–1330: Their Lives, Power, and Legacy by Caroline Wilhelmsson is a compelling examination of the significant royal women in Sweden during the late Viking Age and early medieval period. This textbook...
Relief of Ptah, Tomb of Nefertari
Image by kairoinfo4u

Relief of Ptah, Tomb of Nefertari

Part of a larger relief depicting Nefertari making offerings to Ptah. In this section, Ptah is depicted in his characteristic form as a mummified man holding a was-sceptre. From the Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens. Thebes, Egypt...
Depiction of Ra Horakhty
Image by The Yorck Project

Depiction of Ra Horakhty

A relief portraying Ra or Ra Horakhty, with the goddess Imentet seated behind him. From the Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens. Thebes, Egypt. 19th Dynasty (1292-1186 BCE).