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Roman Elections - Video & Chart
Worksheet/Activity by Marion Wadowski

Roman Elections - Video & Chart

This activity has been designed to fit a 20-minute slot for your class. Students have to complete a pyramid chart, based on a video. It is part of our Ancient Rome Society and Government pack where you can find: Complete lesson plans...
Roman Medicine
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Medicine

Roman medicine was greatly influenced by earlier Greek medicine and literature but would also make its own unique contribution to the history of medicine through the work of such famous experts as Galen and Celsus. Whilst there were professional...
Roman Fort
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Fort

The Roman army constructed both temporary and permanent forts and fortified military camps (castrum) across the frontiers of the empire's borders and within territories which required a permanent military presence to prevent indigenous uprisings...
Roman Gladiator
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Gladiator

A Roman gladiator was an ancient professional fighter who usually specialised with particular weapons and types of armour. They fought before the public in hugely popular organised games held in large purpose-built arenas throughout the Roman...
Roman Emperor
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Emperor

Roman emperors ruled the Roman Empire starting with Augustus in 27 BCE and continuing in the West until the late 5th century CE and in the Eastern Roman Empire up to the mid-15th century CE. The emperors took titles such as Caesar and Imperator...
Roman Philosophy
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Philosophy

Roman philosophy played a significant role in the growth and development of Western thought. While not involved directly in the development of original philosophical thought, Rome made significant contributions in two ways: by conveying Greek...
Roman Election Process - Video & Charts
Worksheet/Activity by Marion Wadowski

Roman Election Process - Video & Charts

This activity has been designed to fit a 20-minute slot for your class and is suitable for both online and classroom teaching, as well as homeschooling. Students have to complete two charts, based on a video. It is part of our Ancient Rome...
Roman Siege Warfare
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Siege Warfare

In ancient warfare open battles were the preferred mode of meeting the enemy, but sometimes, when defenders took a stand within their well-fortified city or military camp, siege warfare became a necessity, despite its high expense in money...
The Ideology of the Holy Roman Empire
Article by Isaac Toman Grief

The Ideology of the Holy Roman Empire

"The Holy Roman Empire was in no way holy, nor Roman, nor an empire," wrote Voltaire, and this interpretation still dominates the popular imagination, so the Holy Roman Empire is treated as a bad joke, a pale parody of the glory of Rome...
Government & Society in Ancient Rome
Quiz by Marion Wadowski

Government & Society in Ancient Rome

Roman Government society Consul Praetor Aedile Quaestor Censor Plebeians Patricians Equites Freedmen SPQR Tribal Assembly Centuriate Assembly The Senate The Tribune