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Sack of Constantinople 1204 CE - Fourth Crusade
Video by Kings and Generals

Sack of Constantinople 1204 CE - Fourth Crusade

In our new animated historical documentary, we will describe the Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople in 1204. Although the First Crusade was succeeded in taking Jerusalem and a number of Frankish kingdoms were created in the Levant...
The Sack of Constantinople in 1204 CE
Image by Palma Le Jeune

The Sack of Constantinople in 1204 CE

A 16th century CE painting by Palma Le Jeune depicting the attack on Constantinople in 1204 CE during the Fourth Crusade.
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Paulus Orosius (usually given as Orosius, 5th century CE) was a Christian theologian and historian who was also a friend and protege of St. Augustine of Hippo (l. 354-430 CE). He is best known for his work Seven Books of History Against the...
Tukulti-Ninurta I
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Tukulti-Ninurta I

Tukulti-Ninurta I (reigned 1244-1208 BCE) was a king of the Assyrian Empire during the period known as the Middle Empire. He was the son of Shalmaneser I (reigned 1274-1245 BCE) who had completed the work of his father, Adad Nirari I, in...
Wihio Tales
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Wihio Tales

Wihio tales are the Cheyenne legends featuring the trickster figure Wihio, who appears, variously, as a wise man, fool, villain, or hero and is associated with the spider. Wihio Tales continue to be as popular with the Cheyenne today as they...
The Westcar Papyrus
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Westcar Papyrus

The ancient Egyptians enjoyed storytelling as one of their favorite pastimes. Inscriptions and images, as well as the number of stories produced, give evidence of a long history of the art of the story in Egypt dealing with subjects ranging...
Ancient Rome
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Rome

According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers, and demigods, Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753 BCE. The legend claims that in an argument over who would rule the city (or, in another version, where the city would be located...
Capitals of the Roman Empire: Constantinople & Rome 
Article by Greg Woolf / Oxford University Press

Capitals of the Roman Empire: Constantinople & Rome 

Constantinople at first had much in common with the temporary capitals of the 2nd and 3rd century CE and the tetrarchic capitals. It was an existing city of medium size, well located on the road network, and unlike most of them, it was also...
Sioux Story of The Gift of Corn
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Sioux Story of The Gift of Corn

Corn (maize) was central to the lives of Native Americans across North, Central, and South America. Maize was introduced to North America from Mesoamerica c. 700/900 CE and transformed the lives of the indigenous peoples. Every tribal nation...
Boudicca: Queen of the Iceni, Scourge of Rome
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Boudicca: Queen of the Iceni, Scourge of Rome

Boudicca (died 61 CE) was the Celtic Queen of the Iceni tribe who led a revolt against Roman occupation of what is now East Anglia, England. So charismatic was Boudicca that ancient sources record tribes joining her revolt which would not...