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Childbirth in Ancient Rome
Article by Laura K.C. McCormack

Childbirth in Ancient Rome

Childbirth in ancient Rome was considered the main purpose of marriage. Roman girls married in their early teens, and in elite society, some married before they reached puberty. The legal age for marriage was 12 for a girl; 15 was accepted...
Drugs & Pharmaceuticals in Ancient Rome
Article by Arienne King

Drugs & Pharmaceuticals in Ancient Rome

Physicians in ancient Rome manufactured a wide variety of pharmaceuticals used to treat health concerns. Roman medicine was highly sophisticated, and Roman medical literature describes early antiseptics, narcotics, and anti-inflammatory medicines...
A Visitor's Guide to Rome's Frontier in Germany
Article by Carole Raddato

A Visitor's Guide to Rome's Frontier in Germany

In the 2nd century CE, the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland in northern Europe to the deserts of southern Egypt, encompassing the entirety of the Mediterranean basin. Beyond that lay its borders. Where there was no natural frontier such...
Fullers of Ancient Rome (The Clothes Cleaners of Rome)
Video by Kelly Macquire

Fullers of Ancient Rome (The Clothes Cleaners of Rome)

Did you know that the laundromats of ancient Rome used urine as a detergent? This video is all about the fullers of ancient Rome and how the Romans got their clothes cleaned. The fullers of ancient Rome were launderers who washed the...
All Roads Lead to Rome: The Roads of Ancient Rome
Video by Kelly Macquire

All Roads Lead to Rome: The Roads of Ancient Rome

Did you know that Roman roads were dug through mountains and across rivers? This video is all about Roman roads, how they were built, and how they lasted for centuries. Roman roads were, then, the arteries of the empire. They connected...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Vandals were a Germanic tribe who are first mentioned in Roman history in the Natural History of Pliny the Elder (77 CE). The Roman historian Tacitus also mentions them in his Germania (c. 98 CE), though he also refers to them as the...
Temple of Venus & Rome - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Temple of Venus & Rome - Ancient Rome Live

The colossal Temple of Venus and Rome was one of Rome's largest imperial temples. It essentially enveloped the Velia Hill, next to the Palatine and overlooking the Colosseum valley. Hadrian constructed this temple dedicated to two deities...
Government in Ancient Rome
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Government in Ancient Rome

Roman government revolved around the Roman Senate with its body of aristocratic citizens who distinguished themselves from everyone else with their titles, purple-striped togas, senatorial rings and even special shoes. Senators held the key...
Ancient Rome in 8 Infographics
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

Ancient Rome in 8 Infographics

The culture of ancient Rome intricately blended laws, military values, and cultural innovations to lay the groundwork for a civilization that endured for centuries. In this gallery of infographics, we examine some of the specific aspects...
The Art of Ancient Rome
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Art of Ancient Rome

Roman artists used every medium from amber to marble, frescoes to glassware, and produced works of art that still pull in the crowds wherever surviving examples are exhibited. The Romans copied, imitated, and innovated to produce art on a...