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Siege of Calais, 1350 CE
Illustration of the Siege of Calais (1350 CE) during the Hundred Years' War by Marek Szyszko. Courtesy of Medieval Warfare Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.

Siege of Charleston
Siege of Charleston, South Carolina (29 March to 12 May 1780) during the American Revolutionary War, painting by Alonzo Chappel, 1862.
Brown University, Providence.

17th-Century Siege Artillery Tactics
An early 17th-century illustration by Johann Jacob von Wallhausen showing the tactics of batteries of siege artillery to fire upon a specific point in the defensive fortifications.

Siege of Nöteborg By Alexander Kotzebue
Siege of Nöteborg (1702), oil on canvas by Alexander Kotzebue.
Peter the Great assaults the island fortress of Nöteborg, which he renamed Shlisselburg, recognising it as the "key" to taking Ingria.

Siege of Toulon, 30 November 1793
Siege of Toulon, 30 November 1793. By Sigismond Himely, 1839.
Palace of Versailles.

German Artillery, Siege of Tobruk
German artillery at the Siege of Tobruk (1941-2) in the Western Desert Campaigns in North Africa during the Second World War (1939-45). (Imperial War Museums)

Map of the Siege of Hara Castle, c. 1600
Map of the Siege of Hara Castle during the Shimabara Rebellion, c. 17th century. Note the Dutch ships at the top, who would have fired cannonades upon the defenders.

Siege of Toulon
Siege of Toulon, 1793. Painting by Jean-Antoine-Siméon Fort.

Siege of Fort Meigs
US soldiers fighting off Native American warriors at the Siege of Fort Meigs (28 April to 9 May 1813) during the War of 1812. Lithograph published by D.W. Kellogg & Co., 1845.
Brown University Library.

Polish Troops at the Siege of Tobruk
A photograph of Polish soldiers during the Siege of Tobruk (Apr-Dec 1941) in the Western Desert Campaigns in North Africa during the Second World War (1939-45). Taken in September 1941. (Imperial War Museums)