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Second Siege of Vienna 1683 CE
The Second Siege of Vienna in 1683 CE, drawn by Frans Geffels (l. 1624–1694 CE). This was a disastrous Ottoman defeat. (Vienna Museum at Karlsplatz)

Siege of Nineveh, 612 BCE
A recreation of the Siege of Nineveh (c. 612 BCE) by Vilius Petrauskas.
Courtesy of Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.

Odo & the Siege of Paris
A painting by Jean-Victor Schnetz (1787–1870) of Odo of Paris defending Paris during the siege by the Vikings in 885 CE (Palace of Versailles, France)

Castle Siege by Christian Sell
A 19th-century painting of a castle siege during the Early-modern period. Painted by Christian Sell (1831-83).

The Siege of La Rochelle, 1573
A 1623 tapestry showing the siege of Protestant-held La Rochelle in 1573 during the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598).

Siege of Constantinople, 717 CE
Illustration of Byzantine ships using Greek Fire against Umayyad invaders during the 717 CE Siege of Constantinople, by Zvonimir Grbasic. Courtesy of Medieval Warfare Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.

Siege of Calais, 1350 CE
Illustration of the Siege of Calais (1350 CE) during the Hundred Years' War by Marek Szyszko. Courtesy of Medieval Warfare Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.

Siege of Charleston
Siege of Charleston, South Carolina (29 March to 12 May 1780) during the American Revolutionary War, painting by Alonzo Chappel, 1862.
Brown University, Providence.

17th-Century Siege Artillery Tactics
An early 17th-century illustration by Johann Jacob von Wallhausen showing the tactics of batteries of siege artillery to fire upon a specific point in the defensive fortifications.

Siege of Toulon, 30 November 1793
Siege of Toulon, 30 November 1793. By Sigismond Himely, 1839.
Palace of Versailles.