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Stone Plate of Enmahgalanna from Ur
This is a polished grey stone, which was probably an offering stand. The name (and title) of "Enmahgalanna" appears and is repeated unusually with a pictogram of the moon's crescent (instead of using the pertinent cuneiform sign). Enmahgalanna...

Stone Vessels from Tel Kabri
Some of the stone vessels found at Tel Kabri in 1956. These vessels are from the Wadi Rabah material culture which inhabited Tel Kabri and the surrounding area from 4500–3500 BCE. These objects are now on display in the Israel Museum.

Stone for harvest offerings
The stone Kernos for food offerings of the collected harvest, the Minoan settlement of Malia, Crete (1650-1450 BCE).

Stone Calf from Late Uruk Era
There is a hole on the back of this stone calf for vertical posts or other attachments. Late Uruk period, 3300-3000 BCE, from Ur, Mesopotamia, Iraq. (The British Museum).

Stone Tools at Shengavit Settlement
Stone tools and other archaeological remains from Shengavit, dating from c. 3500-2200 BCE. This settlement is an archaeological site located in Yerevan and is one of Armenia's most important Bronze Age sites.

Stone Carved Indentations at Agarak
These indentations in stone found at the Agarak archaeological site were likely used for rituals involving wine and "holy water." They come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The ancients of Agarak believed these rites involving the use of...

Stone Weight from Sippar
The inscription, unusually for a weight, is cut in reverse. It mentions that this stone weight was dedicated to the temple of Shamash, the sun god, at Sippar. It precisely gives the weight as 10 mina, 15 shekels, a little more than 5 kilograms...

Stone Architecture at Tatev Monastery
Tatev Monastery was one of medieval Armenia's most important religious and cultural centers during the Middle Ages. It's renown for its stone architecture and location on a large basalt plateau near the Tatev village in Syunik Province in...

Stone Weight From The Comacchio Shipwreck
A Centussis weight used to weigh the cargo for sale. The stone is inscribed with an 'M' for Magister Navis, the ship's master and the initials 'TRVF', possibly for his name - either Titus Rufius or Titus Rufrenius. The two holes on the upper...

Stone Mask, Teotihuacan
A stone mask from Teotihuacan, 250-600 CE. (St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri)