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Viking Age Comb
Image by The Swedish History Museum, Stockholm

Viking Age Comb

Bone/antler comb from Björkö, Adelsö, Uppland, Sweden. The Swedish History Museum, Stockholm.
Reconstructed Viking Houses at Hedeby
Image by Frank Vincentz

Reconstructed Viking Houses at Hedeby

Reconstructed Viking houses from the Viking Age trading centre of Hedeby (also known as Haithabu in German) in what used to be part of the Danish Vikings' territory. It now lies in Germany, near the city of Schleswig on the Jutland peninsula...
Enoch Being Taken to Heaven by God
Image by Albertus Pictor

Enoch Being Taken to Heaven by God

Enoch is taken up to heaven, chalk painting by Albertus Pictor (1440-1507) in Trave 2 of Härkeberga Church, Enköping, Sweden. The painting portrays the biblical character Enoch being taken to heaven by God. He was the son of Jared, the father...
Rök Runestone
Image by Bengt Olof ÅRADSSON

Rök Runestone

An inscription using cipher runes, the Elder Futhark, and the Younger Futhark, on the 9th-century Rök Runestone in Sweden.
The Sutton Hoo Helmet
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

The Sutton Hoo Helmet

The Sutton Hoo helmet from the ship-burial at Sutton Hoo, Mound 1, England, late 500s to early 600. This is one of the only four complete helmets that survive from Anglo-Saxon England. It has been painstakingly reconstructed from the shattered...
Drävle Runestone
Image by Bengt A Lundberg / Riksantikvarieämbetet

Drävle Runestone

Drävle Runestone, showing Andvari's ring, the Andvaranaut. Sweden, Enköping Municipality, Altuna parish.
Runes (Younger Futhark)
Image by Aix

Runes (Younger Futhark)

An example of Younger Futhark runes from the 12th-century Vaksala Runestone in Sweden.
Viking Era Broa Stone
Image by James Blake Wiener

Viking Era Broa Stone

More than a thousand years ago, Vikings living on the Swedish Island of Gotland erected carved stone slabs to commemorate fallen warriors and heroic deeds. This stone is called the "Broa Stonem" and it dates to c. 700-800 CE. Today, these...
Scandinavian Gold-Foil Picture
Image by Lokis Tochter

Scandinavian Gold-Foil Picture

Gold-foil picture depicting a couple embracing each other, found in Scandinavia. It is thought to represent the Norse god Freyr and his wife Gerðr united in holy marriage (hieros gamos). These tiny images are known as 'guldgubber' and...
Weather Vane in Ringerike Style
Image by Berig

Weather Vane in Ringerike Style

Copper-gilt weather vane from Söderala, Hälsingland, Sweden, dating to the Viking Age (c. 790-1100 CE). The style of its open-work pattern reminds of the Urnes style ornamentation, but the animal and its axial form place this vane firmly...