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Livia Drusilla
Livia Drusilla (58 BCE - 29 CE) was the third wife of emperor Augustus of Rome, mother of emperor Tiberius, and grandmother of emperor Claudius. She was one of the great women in history who achieved prominence living in the shadow of a strong...

Marcus Agrippa
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (l. 64/62 – 12 BCE) was Augustus' (r. 27 BCE - 14 CE) most trusted and unshakably loyal general and his right-hand man in the administration of the city of Rome. Although his name is forever connected with the first...

Portrait of Augustus II of Poland
Portrait of Augustus II of Poland (r. 1694-1733), the Elector of Saxony. Commonly known as Augustus II the Strong, oil on canvas by Louis de Silvestre, c. 1720.
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.

Forum of Augustus
The remains of the Forum of Augustus. Built by Caesar Augustus after his victory at Actium (probably around 20 BCE after the negotiated return of the standards lost by Marcus Licinius Crassus to the Parthians) it was built along with a temple...

Arch of Augustus, Rimini
The Arch of Augustus at Rimini (called Ariminum in Roman times) was dedicated to the Emperor Augustus by the Roman Senate in 27 BCE and is the oldest Roman arch that survives.

Arch of Augustus in Fano
The Arch of Augustus in Fano (Italy) is a city gate in the form of a triumphal arch with three vaults that served as the entrance to the city of Colonia Julia Fanestris by the via Flaminia (modern-day Fano). The monument is dated to 9 CE...

Augustus (Aged Artistic Facial Reconstruction)
A photorealistic representation of what the Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE-14 CE) may have looked like as a middle-aged man. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the busts and statuary used as references. From left to right and top...

Augustus (Artistic Facial Reconstruction)
A photorealistic representation of what the Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE-14 CE) may have looked like as a young man. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the busts and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom...

Forum of Augustus, Rome
A reconstruction of the Forum of Augustus in Rome with the temple of Mars Ultor, late 1st century BCE.

Bust of Augustus
Bust of Augustus wearing the oak crown (corona civica) discovered on the site of the Roman villa of Chiragan (France), 19-18 BCE. (Toulouse, Musée Saint-Raymond)