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Eyewitness Accounts of the London Blitz
Article by Mark Cartwright

Eyewitness Accounts of the London Blitz

The London Blitz (September 1940 to May 1941) was a sustained bombing campaign by the German Air Force during the Second World War (1939-45). Londoners were subjected to nightly bombings that killed thousands, destroyed homes, and necessitated...
The Instructions of Shuruppag
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Instructions of Shuruppag

The Instructions of Shuruppag (c. 2000 BCE) is the most famous work of the genre of Sumerian wisdom literature whose purpose was to encourage proper behavior in conformity with cultural values and standards. It is among the oldest works of...
The Book of Jonah
Article by Benjamin T. Laie

The Book of Jonah

The book of Jonah is the fifth book in the Christian canons and the Jewish Tanakh. It is one of 'Trei Asar' (The Twelve) prophets in the tanakh, and in Christian tradition as 'oi dodeka prophetai' or 'ton dodekapropheton' , Greek for "The...
Volunteer Services in the London Blitz
Article by Mark Cartwright

Volunteer Services in the London Blitz

An army of 250,000 volunteers, both men and women, working in many different services, ensured life went on during the London Blitz, a period of sustained bombing by the German Air Force on the British capital between September 1940 and May...
An Ancient Ghost Story: Philinnion & Machates
Article by Joshua J. Mark

An Ancient Ghost Story: Philinnion & Machates

Ghost stories have existed for thousands of years, often in similar forms and frequently dealing with the same themes, in many of the most ancient cultures. The writer H.P. Lovecraft once wrote, "As may naturally be expected of a form so...
Article by Joshua J. Mark


Sees In The Night (Sees-In-The-Night) is a Cheyenne tale of a young, poor boy who, through the kindness shown to a dog, becomes a great warrior and chief of his people. The story emphasizes the Cheyenne value of kindness toward others, especially...
Persia & Persian Art at the Louvre
Video by Mahmood Hamidi

Persia & Persian Art at the Louvre

Persian art at the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. There are art pieces from the Royal Palace in Susa from the Achaemenids, the Persian Empire founded by Cyrus the Great (d. 530 BCE). King Darius the Great (r. 522-486 BCE), built one of...
The Rise and Fall of the Medieval Islamic Empire - Petra Sijpesteijn & Birte Kristiansen
Video by TED-Ed

The Rise and Fall of the Medieval Islamic Empire - Petra Sijpesteijn & Birte Kristiansen

Trace the rise and fall of the Islamic Empire, from the prophet Muhammad in the 7th century to the sacking of Baghdad. In the 7th century CE, the prophet Muhammad united the people of the Arabian Peninsula through the formation of Islam...
Battle of Yarmouk 636 (Early Muslim Invasion) DOCUMENTARY
Video by Kings and Generals

Battle of Yarmouk 636 (Early Muslim Invasion) DOCUMENTARY

In our previous video, we covered the Byzantine – Sasanian War of 602–628. As that conflict and Initial Muslim Invasion are connected, we decided to make the video on the Battle of Yarmouk that took place in 636 between Byzantine Empire (Vahan...
Korean history - Goryeo
Video by Vank prkorea

Korean history - Goryeo

Goryeo had trade ties with Europeans through Arabian merchants. Trade in Goryeo gave Korea its name in the western world. Ultimately, Goryeo is famous for its printing technology, hanji paper and pottery.