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Religion in the Ancient World
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Religion in the Ancient World

Religion (from the Latin Religio, meaning 'restraint,' or Relegere, according to Cicero, meaning 'to repeat, to read again,' or, most likely, Religionem, 'to show respect for what is sacred') is an organized system of beliefs and practices...
Great Pyramid of Giza
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is a defining symbol of Egypt and the last of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World. It is located on the Giza plateau near the modern city of Cairo and was built over a twenty-year period during the reign of the...
Ancient wonders captured in 3D (Ben Kacyra)
Video by TED

Ancient wonders captured in 3D (Ben Kacyra) Ancient monuments give us clues to astonishing past civilizations — but they're under threat from pollution, war, neglect. Ben Kacyra, who invented a groundbreaking 3D scanning system, is using his invention to scan and...
Seekers of the Seven Cities of Gold
Image by Jim Carson

Seekers of the Seven Cities of Gold

Artist's impression of how Coronado's expedition may have looked, titled "Seekers of the Seven Cities of Gold, Coronado in the Chiricahaus".
Seven Lucky Gods on Takarabune
Image by Hiroshige

Seven Lucky Gods on Takarabune

The Seven Lucky Gods (aka Shichifukujin) of Japanese folklore on their treasure ship or takarabune. By Hiroshige (1797-1858 CE). Woodblock print, c. 1840 CE. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London)
Seven Lucky Gods
Image by Amcaja

Seven Lucky Gods

The Seven Lucky Gods or Shichifukujin of Japanese folklore. From left to right: Soldan Sağa Hotei, Juroujin, Fukurokuju, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Daikokuten, Ebisu
Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Architecture

Ancient Egyptian architecture is often associated closely with the pyramids of Giza but was actually quite diverse, taking a number of forms in the construction of administrative buildings, temples, tombs, palaces, and the private homes of...
Seven Japanese Gods of Luck Festival (Shichifukujin) - Hatsu Konpira
Video by Ronin Dave

Seven Japanese Gods of Luck Festival (Shichifukujin) - Hatsu Konpira

At Kotohiragu Shrine a small shrine in Tokyo, they have a small festival with a small parade of the Shichifukujin, the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan. Hatsu Konpira is the shrine's first fair of the new year so the parade of the seven lucky gods...
Interview: The Werewolf in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: The Werewolf in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia is talking to author Daniel Ogden about his new book The Werewolf in the Ancient World. Daniel Ogden (Author): Thank you for inviting me! Kelly (WHE): Of course, we are very excited to have...
Attic Oil Flask Depicting a Scene from Seven Against Thebes
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Attic Oil Flask Depicting a Scene from Seven Against Thebes

This image of a young warrior cutting his hair before battle may reflect a scene in Seven against Thebes, a tragedy by Aeschylus. The seven heroes knew that only one of them would survive battle. Each cut a lock of his hair and tied it to...