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The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Seven Sages of Ancient Greece

The Seven Sages (ΟΙ ΕΠΤΑ ΣΟΦΟΙ) of ancient Greece were renowned philosophers, statesmen, and lawgivers celebrated for their wisdom and practical contributions. First explicitly listed in Plato’s Protagoras, they were recognized as "the wise...
Interview: The Werewolf in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: The Werewolf in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia is talking to author Daniel Ogden about his new book The Werewolf in the Ancient World. Daniel Ogden (Author): Thank you for inviting me! Kelly (WHE): Of course, we are very excited to have...
Cosmetics in the Ancient World
Article by Mark Cartwright

Cosmetics in the Ancient World

The wearing of cosmetics and perfumes by both men and women goes back a very long way indeed as the ancients were just as keen as anyone to improve their appearance as quickly and as easily as possible using all manner of powders, creams...
Letters & Post in the Ancient World
Article by Mark Cartwright

Letters & Post in the Ancient World

Letters and their delivery via a state communication system was a feature of many ancient cultures. The writing medium may have differed but the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Incas all had the means to send messengers and...
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius
Image by Coëtivy Master (possibly Henri de Vulcop)

Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (c. 475-525 CE) is depicted on the far left. An allegory of Philosophy presents to him the allegories of the Seven Liberal Arts dressed in 15th century clothing, each holding a symbol of their subject; from...
Galahad Battles the Seven Knights of Darkness
Image by Boston Public Library

Galahad Battles the Seven Knights of Darkness

"The seven knights of darkness" was painted c. 1893-1902 CE. The painting depicts the legendary Sir Galahad battling personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins as part of his quest for the Holy Grail. It is part of the Part of the "Abbey Room...
Dogs in the Ancient World
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs in the Ancient World

Dogs have been a part of the history of human beings since before the written word. The ancient temple of Gobekli-Tepe in Turkey, dated to at least 12,000 years BCE, has provided archaeologists with evidence of domesticated dogs in the Middle...
Interview: Nudity in the Ancient World
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Nudity in the Ancient World

The nude figure is a universal visual theme, deeply rooted in the history of art, and it is seemingly ubiquitous in the art of the ancient civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean. The Antikenmuseum, in Basel, Switzerland, recently...
The Seven Voyages of Zheng He
Image by Vmenkov

The Seven Voyages of Zheng He

A map showing the route and destinations of the seven voyages of Zheng He between 1405 and 1433 CE, acting as an ambassador and explorer of the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644 CE).
Cats in the Ancient World
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cats in the Ancient World

Cats and humans have shared in each other's lives for thousands of years and, even though they have not always been regarded as highly as in the present, have played an important role in a number of cultures. Always enigmatic, the cat has...