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Roman Column, Anjar
The Roman Columns in Anjar (8th century CE) were most probably reused from earlier 4th century CE Christian buildings.
Basil II
Basil II (aka Basilius II) was the emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 976 to 1025 CE. He became known as the Bulgar-Slayer (Bulgaroktonos) for his exploits in conquering ancient Bulgaria, sweet revenge for his infamous defeat at Trajan's...
Legions of the Parthian Wars
Parthia had always been a thorn in the side of the Roman Empire. The initial campaigns by Crassus and Mark Antony were total failures, and although Trajan and Syrian governor Cassius made some progress in the 2nd century CE, both failed to...
Mosaic Column from the Temple of Ninhursag
This detail is part of a mosaic column, which may have stood at the side of the entrance into the temple. The whole column originally had a core of palm-wood (now perished). A layer of bitumen coated that wood. The mosaic inlay pieces (mother-of-pearl...
Relief from the Column of Marcus Aurelius
From the Column of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina in Piazza Colonna, Rome. The column was erected in c. 180 CE and depicts in relief sculpture the emperor's campaigns across the Danube between 172 and 175 CE. In this detail the Roman Army crosses...
Head of a Serpent from the Serpent Column
This bronze serpent originally belonged to the "Serpent Column" at the Hippodrome of Constantinople, Sultanahmet, Istanbul, in modern-day Turkey. The column was erected to commemorate the Greeks who fought and defeated the Persian Empire...
Column of Phocas - Ancient Rome Live
The column of Phocas is a column that refers to the Byzantine emperor Phocas (r. 602-610 CE), but it was in fact a column erected in the forum piazza to correspond with the late honorary columns, so it probably dates to the reign of Diocletian...
Column of Hagia Sophia
A column of Hagia Sophia, 6th century CE, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey. In Hagia Sophia, there are 140 monolithic columns which were brought from different places of the world. For instance; the 8 porphyry columns whose color of purple...
Column Drum from the Temple of Artemis, Ephesus
This is the best preserved of the column drums carved in relief. It shows a youthful winged Thanatos (death), a draped woman, a figure of Hermes Psychopompos (leader of souls to the underworld), a standing woman and a seated man identified...
Attic Column-Krater
An Attic column-krater, 470-460 BCE, depicting Jason about to take the Golden Fleece (left side). (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).