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San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk by Monet
Image by National Museum Cardiff

San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk by Monet

An 1908 oil on canvas, San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk, by Claude Monet (1840-1926), the French impressionist painter. The view was painted looking from Saint Mark's Square. The artist was so enchanted with the light and colours in Venice that...
San Zaccaria Altarpiece by Giovanni Bellini
Image by Didier Descouens

San Zaccaria Altarpiece by Giovanni Bellini

The San Zaccaria Altarpiece in Venice by the Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430- 1516 CE). Completed c. 1505 CE.
David and Goliath
Image by Titian

David and Goliath

David and Goliath, oil on canvas painting by Titian, c. 1542-1544. Santa Maria della Salute, Venice.
Moses Drawing Water from the Rock by Tintoretto
Image by Web Gallery of Art

Moses Drawing Water from the Rock by Tintoretto

The oil painting Moses Drawing Water from the Rock by the Italian Renaissance artist Tintoretto (c. 1518-1594 CE). c. 1577 CE. (Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice)
Paradise by Tintoretto
Image by Web Gallery of Art

Paradise by Tintoretto

The Paradise by the Italian Renaissance painter Tintoretto (1518-1594 CE), commissioned for the Doge's Palace n Venice. Completed 1588 CE.
Grand Canal of the Piazzetta San Marco
Image by Larry Koester

Grand Canal of the Piazzetta San Marco

A view of the Piazzetta San Marco in Venice, with the Doge's Palace (left) and the Biblioteca Marciana (right). The Doge's Palace was established in 1340 CE and continuously renovated over the centuries. The Biblioteca Marciana was constructed...
Antonio I Acciaioli
Image by Francesco Fanelli

Antonio I Acciaioli

Antonio I Acciaioli (r. 1403-1435 CE), Duke of Athens. Illustration from Atene Attica Descritta da suoi Principii sino all’acquisto fatto dall’Armi Venete nel 1687…, Venice, Antonio Bortoli, 1695 edition, by Francesco Fanelli
Scipio Africanus Freeing Massiva
Image by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Scipio Africanus Freeing Massiva

As described by the Roman historian Livy (1st century BC), the youthful Massiva was the nephew of a prince of Numidia in present-day Algeria who had supported Scipio Africanus (a Roman general so known because of his conquests in North Africa...
Oribasius' Synopsis for Eustathius
Image by Wellcome Collection

Oribasius' Synopsis for Eustathius

Synopsis for Eustathius by Oribasius (c. 320-400/403 CE), printed in Venice 1554 CE. Wellcome Collection, London.
Nerio I Acciaioli
Image by Francesco Fanelli

Nerio I Acciaioli

Nerio I Acciaioli, ruler of the Duchy of Athens (r. 1388-1394 CE) who briefly conquered the Duchy of Neopatras. Illustration from Atene Attica Descritta da suoi Principii sino all’acquisto fatto dall’Armi Venete nel 1687…, Venice, Antonio...