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Rollo of Normandy
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Rollo of Normandy

Rollo (l. c.860-c.930 CE, r. 911-927 CE) was a Viking chieftain who became the founder and first ruler of the region of Normandy. He converted to Christianity as part of a deal with the Frankish king Charles the Simple (893-923 CE) in 911...
Viking Rune Stone (Sanda, Sweden)
Image by Emma Groeneveld

Viking Rune Stone (Sanda, Sweden)

Top part of a rune stone found at Sanda, Gotland, Sweden, dating to the Viking Age, thought to depict Odin, Thor and Freyr. The runic inscription reads: 'Rodvisl and Farbjörn and Gunbjörn' (The Swedish History Museum/Historiska Museet, Stockholm...
Viking Age Farm, Avaldsnes, Norway
Image by Mark Voigt

Viking Age Farm, Avaldsnes, Norway

Reconstructed Viking Age (c. 790-1100 CE) farm in Avaldsnes, Norway, including main longhouse and various outbuildings.
Viking Era Broa Stone
Image by James Blake Wiener

Viking Era Broa Stone

More than a thousand years ago, Vikings living on the Swedish Island of Gotland erected carved stone slabs to commemorate fallen warriors and heroic deeds. This stone is called the "Broa Stonem" and it dates to c. 700-800 CE. Today, these...
Viking Expert Breaks Down Famous Viking Movies & TV Shows
Video by Penguin Books UK

Viking Expert Breaks Down Famous Viking Movies & TV Shows

Archaeologist and leading Viking specialist, Neil Price, looks at how Vikings are portrayed in popular films and TV shows.
Viking Attack
Image by John Rickne, Community Manager, Paradox Interactive

Viking Attack

Screenshot from a video game called War of the Vikings showing fighting Vikings, with some of their ships visible, too.
Viking-Celtic Penannular Brooch
Image by British Museum

Viking-Celtic Penannular Brooch

Silver bossed penannular brooch, found in Waterford, England. 9th-10th Century CE. Hoop with trapezoidal terminals, animal heads at join between hoop and terminal. Diameter: 10.5 cm (4.1 in). (Courtesy of the British Museum)
Viking Age Swords
Image by Kleon3

Viking Age Swords

Three Viking Age swords dated to between c. 750-950 CE are shown here. They were found in the river Meuse near Den Bosch, Aalburg and Wessem, in the Netherlands. They now belong to the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden...
Viking Dragon Plaque
Image by MichaelMaggs

Viking Dragon Plaque

Plaque from a late 9th- or early 10th-century burial at Scar, Sanday in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. Orkney Museum. The plaque, carved from one piece of whalebone into the shape of two dragons facing each other, was found in a Viking burial...
Viking Keys from Sweden
Image by James Blake Wiener

Viking Keys from Sweden

Keys were a powerful symbol of control over the household goods in Viking Scandinavia. The lady of the house, known as the "husfreyja," or "goddess of the house," would always wear the keys on her belt, even taking them with her to the grave...