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The Old Norse word saga means 'story', 'tale' or 'history' and normally refers specifically to the epic prose narratives written mainly in Iceland between the 12th- and 15th centuries CE, covering the country's history as well as Scandinavia's...
Kaupang was a Norwegian Viking Age town with a seasonal emporium established around c. 780 CE and abandoned around c. 950 CE. Kaupang is located on the western side of Oslofjord (Viksfjord) in what is the present-day southeastern county Vestfold...
Viking Prophecy: The Poem Völuspá of the Poetic Edda
The Völuspá (Old Norse: Vǫluspá) is a medieval poem of the Poetic Edda that describes how the world might have come into shape and would end according to Norse mythology. The story of about 60 stanzas is told by a seeress or völva (Old Norse...
Kingdom of Mercia
The Kingdom of Mercia (c. 527-879 CE) was an Anglo-Saxon political entity located in the midlands of present-day Britain and bordered on the south by the Kingdom of Wessex, on the west by Wales, north by Northumbria, and on the east by East...
The Funeral of a Viking
Painting by Frank Dicksee (1853-1928 CE) titled "The Funeral of a Viking", showing a Viking being cremated on a ship pushed out to sea. The painting resides at the Manchester Art Gallery in the UK. Historically, although burial became...
Reconstructed Viking Houses at Hedeby
Reconstructed Viking houses from the Viking Age trading centre of Hedeby (also known as Haithabu in German) in what used to be part of the Danish Vikings' territory. It now lies in Germany, near the city of Schleswig on the Jutland peninsula...
Viking Age Helmet
The Viking Age helmet pictured here is known as the Gjermundbu helmet, named after the farm it was found at near Haugsbygd, Norway, in 1943 CE. It was located inside a Viking Age burial chamber. Although at the time of discovery it was in...
Great Viking Army in England, 865-878 CE
Map showing the routes allegedly taken by the Great Viking Army that invaded the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms in 865 CE, under leadership of such chieftains as 'Hingwar', 'Hubba', and 'Halfdene' (Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for 870-871 CE). These figures...
Viking Age Trade Routes in North-West Europe
Map showing some of the Viking Age (c. 790-1100 CE) trade routes that existed in North-West Europe during this time. Among the places depicted are such major trading centres are Hededy, Ribe, Birka and Kaupang from Viking Scandinavia; York...
Reconstructed Viking Village in Hofn, Iceland
Situated near Höfn on the east coast of Iceland is what looks like a genuine and immaculately preserved Viking village; in fact, it is a reconstructed Viking village built in 2010 CE for a film that was never filmed. Though obviously not...