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Water Basin, Ryoanji
Image by Andrew

Water Basin, Ryoanji

A water basin in the form of a Chinese coin, Ryoanji temple, Kyoto, Japan. The Zen Buddhist temple was first built in the 15th century CE. The basin's inscription translates as ‘Learn only satisfaction’, meaning learning should have its own...
Roman Water Reservoir
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Water Reservoir

The remains of a large water reservoir at the Villa of Els Munts, Tarraco. 1st century CE. (Tarragona, Spain).
Roman Water Reservoir
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Water Reservoir

A large water reservoir from the Roman Villa of Els Munts, Tarraco (Tarragona, Spain). 1st century CE.
Valley Forge
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Valley Forge

Valley Forge was the winter encampment of the Continental Army from 19 December 1777 until 18 June 1778, during one of the most difficult winters of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Despite being undersupplied, underfed, and plagued...
Neo-Assyrian Water Basin from Assur
Video by Osama SM Amin

Neo-Assyrian Water Basin from Assur

This water basin was originally cut from a single basalt block. When it was discovered, it was completely shattered into several pieces. It was located in one of the courtyards of the temple of Assur. On the corners and in the center of each...
Water Conduit at Augusta Raurica
Image by James Blake Wiener

Water Conduit at Augusta Raurica

Via a subterranean masonry, an ancient Roman water conduit brought Augusta Raurica water from the River Ergolz. Just outside the town wall the conduit merged into an aqueduct, which in turn funneled the water into a water tower where it was...
The Unicorn Purifies Water
Image by The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Unicorn Purifies Water

"The Unicorn Purifies Water" is one of seven tapestries in the "Unicorn Tapestries" group. These allegorical tapestries depict the hunting of a unicorn, a mythological animal common to European folklore. "The Unicorn Purifies Water" is a...
Water Pipe from Ancient Yerevan
Image by James Blake Wiener

Water Pipe from Ancient Yerevan

This immense water pipe made of stone once supplied water to Erebuni Fortress in what's present-day Yerevan, Armenia. This pipe dates from the 11th century BCE. (Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Preserve, Yerevan, Armenia.)
Water Lilies, Green Reflection by Monet
Image by Musée de l'Orangerie

Water Lilies, Green Reflection by Monet

A 1914 oil on canvas painting, Water Lilies, Green Reflection, by Claude Monet (1840-1926), the French impressionist painter. Painted in the artist's garden at Giverny and his purpose-built lily pond. Part of a massive series of works in...
A Drop of Water (Atman)
Image by Don Kennedy

A Drop of Water (Atman)

In The Upanishads, the connection between Atman and Brahman is spiritual. When moksha or liberation is achieved, Atman returns to the Brahman, to the source, like a drop of water returning to the ocean.