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Kingdom of Kanem
The Kingdom of Kanem (aka Kanim) was an ancient African state located in modern-day Chad, which flourished from the 9th to 14th century CE. With its heartland in the centre of the African continent on the eastern shores of Lake Chad, the...

Western Wall in Jerusalem
The Western Wall in Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish learning and memory for over 2,000 years. As the only fragment of the Great Temple to survive the Roman destruction following the Great Jewish Revolt of 66 CE, the wall is omnipresent...

German Panzers, Western Front
A May 1940 photograph showing a German Panzer II (foreground) and Panzer I (rear) operating on the Western Front during the Second World War (939-45). (German Federal Archives)

A Groom and Horses from Western Assyria
This scene is part of a large alabaster bas-relief which shows a tributary procession from Western Assyria (probably in modern-day Syria or Turkey). Here, we can see a groom leading two horses. From Khorsabad (ancient Dur-Sharrukin), in modern-day...

General Rommel, Western Desert
A photograph of General Erwin Rommel and his Chief of Staff, Fritz Bayerlein during the North Africa Campaign of the Second World War (1939-45). (Imperial War Museums)

Germany's Western Attack, May 1940
A map showing the German advances through Belgium, the Netherlands, and France which isolated the British Expeditionary Force and necessitated the Dunkirk evacuation of May-June 1940. (United States Military Academy)

Seal Impression of a Median Archer from Western Iran
Seal impression from Nushi Jan Castle Complex, c. 650 BCE. National Museum of Iran, Tehran, inv. no. 13145. Median art has few remaining examples and almost none that seem free from the impacts of its regional predecessors and contemporaries...

Bronze Axe Head Topped with a Man Ruling Animals from Western Iran
Bronze axe head topped with a man ruling animals, found in Saqqiz, Luristan, from Iron Age II (c. 1100-900 BCE). National Museum of Iran, Tehran. cc. no. 1434, photo by Neda Tehrani (Baloot Noghrei). Following the collapse of civilizations...

Main Portal, Western Side, Bourges Cathedral
The main portal on the western façade of Bourges Cathedral, France. The sculpture above the two doorways shows the Last Judgement and was made around 1240. The figures in the arches represent various angels, martyrs, confessors, and saints.

Western Classical Music, c. 1700-1950
An infographic showcasing the evolution of musical styles and the creative contributions of a plethora of classical composers through four distinct periods in art history: Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism, and Modernism.