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Hipponax & Misogyny in Ancient Greece
Article by Lauren Hawkins

Hipponax & Misogyny in Ancient Greece

It has always been recognized that women in the ancient world were considered only a little higher in value than the man's cattle or plow and, sometimes, not even accorded that kind of respect. Examples of misogynistic attitudes toward women...
Scythian Women
Article by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Scythian Women

Scythian women garnered leadership roles and a raised level of status in their day, which is perhaps without parallel until recent times. While many female figures rose to pivotal roles in history, their rise was not a reflection of systemic...
Dogs & Their Collars in Ancient Greece
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs & Their Collars in Ancient Greece

Dogs in ancient Greece are regularly depicted in art, on ceramics, in literature, and other written works as loyal companions, guardians, hunters, and even as great intuitive thinkers; all of these expressing the deep admiration the Greeks...
Twelve Famous Native American Women
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Twelve Famous Native American Women

Native American women are traditionally held in high regard among the diverse nations, whether a given people are matrilineal or patrilineal. Traditionally, women were not only responsible for raising children and caring for the home but...
Thebes (Greece)
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Thebes (Greece)

Thebes is a town in central Greece which has been continuously inhabited for five millennia. It was an important Mycenaean centre in the middle to late Bronze Age and was a powerful city-state in the Classical period, participating in both...
Ten Women of the Protestant Reformation
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Women of the Protestant Reformation

Women played a vital role in the Protestant Reformation (1517-1648) not only by supporting the major reformers as wives but also through their own literary and political influence. Their contributions were largely marginalized in the past...
Royal Women in the Mughal Empire
Article by Patit Paban Mishra

Royal Women in the Mughal Empire

It was not only the Mughal emperors that left an indelible mark in the history of the Indian subcontinent but also the queens and princesses. The latter's contributions to art, architecture, literature, cuisine, refinement, and administrative...
The Celtic Invasion of Greece
Article by Jeffrey King

The Celtic Invasion of Greece

Between the 5th and 4th centuries BCE, Celtic tribes moved en masse into southern Europe, intent on seizing land and wealth to feed their swelling numbers. As these tribes began crossing the Alps, they came into conflict with the Romans and...
Sacred Cakes in Ancient Greece
Article by Nathalie Choubineh

Sacred Cakes in Ancient Greece

Sacred cakes in ancient Greece were baked loaves, biscuits, pastries, and sponges sweetened with honey (meli) and prepared as unburnt offerings to the gods and goddesses and other divine beings. Unburnt offerings were substitutes for or a...
Interview: The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women by Nancy Marie Brown
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women by Nancy Marie Brown

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia is joined by American author Nancy Marie Brown, who is talking to us about her new book The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women. You can find the entire interview on our...