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Seven Notorious Women Pirates
Article by Mark Cartwright

Seven Notorious Women Pirates

In this article, we look at the lives and deeds of seven notorious women pirates. There is Teuta, the Balkan enemy of ancient Rome; Alwilda, the Scandinavian princess who chose a life of crime on the High Seas; Maria Lindsey, who terrorized...
The Women of Ancient Egypt
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

The Women of Ancient Egypt

The women of ancient Egypt were highly regarded. Although the man was the head of the household, the woman made sure that household functioned as it was supposed to. Female deities were among the most popular in ancient Egypt and so it is...
Ancient Christianity’s Effect on Society & Gender Roles
Article by Rebecca Denova

Ancient Christianity’s Effect on Society & Gender Roles

Christianity began as a sect of Judaism in Judea in the 1st century CE and spread to the cities of the Eastern Roman Empire and beyond. In these cities, non-Jews, Gentiles, wanted to join the movement, and these Gentile-Christians soon outnumbered...
The After-Life In Ancient Greece
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The After-Life In Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece the continued existence of the dead depended on their constant remembrance by the living. It was understood that the soul lived on after bodily death in the realm known as Hades; but that land had different regions the soul...
Economy & Trade in Ancient Greece
Lesson Pack by Marion Wadowski

Economy & Trade in Ancient Greece

We have prepared five lesson plans including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Multiple choice quiz questions in an excel format Glossary of keywords and concepts in an excel format Open questions adaptable...
Family Planning in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Article by Arienne King

Family Planning in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Family planning was a topic of vital importance in the ancient Mediterranean. Some of the earliest medical literature from ancient Greece and Rome deals with fertility and reproductive health. Among the numerous treatments and procedures...
Trade in Ancient Greece
Article by Mark Cartwright

Trade in Ancient Greece

Trade was a fundamental aspect of the ancient Greek world and following territorial expansion, an increase in population movements, and innovations in transport, goods could be bought, sold, and exchanged in one part of the Mediterranean...
Daily Life & Religion in Ancient Greece
Lesson Pack by Patrick Goodman

Daily Life & Religion in Ancient Greece

We have prepared three lesson plans and two supplemental lesson plans including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Multiple choice quiz questions in an excel format. Glossary of keywords and concepts in...
Trade & Commerce in Ancient Greece
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Trade & Commerce in Ancient Greece

The ancient Mediterranean was a busy place with trading ships sailing in all directions to connect cities and cultures. The Greeks were so keen on the rewards of trade and commerce that they colonized large parts of the coastal Mediterranean...
A Gallery of Ancient, Medieval, & Modern Warrior Women
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient, Medieval, & Modern Warrior Women

The first female warrior attested to historically is Queen Ahhotep I of Egypt (l. c. 1570-1530 BCE) who put down a rebellion by the Hyksos when her son, Ahmose I, was campaigning against the Nubians. In literature, the first mention of women...