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Heian Literature and Japanese Court Women
Video by East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University

Heian Literature and Japanese Court Women

This short lecture discusses about two of the most famous works of literature in Japanese history, both written by court women during the Heian period (794-1185CE): Murasaki Shikibu’s "The Tale of Genji" and Sei Shonagon’s "The Pillow Book"...
Beyond Brideships 1 :
Video by Jamestown Rediscovery Education

Beyond Brideships 1 : "Company Women and King's Daughters" Jamestown Brides

Part one of “Beyond Brideships” compares the Jamestown Brides of 1619-1621 with the “Filles du Roi” of Quebec and examines the misunderstood agency of these women.
Cynisca of Sparta
Definition by Philip Mathew

Cynisca of Sparta

Cynisca of Sparta (b. c. 440 BCE) was a Spartan royal princess who became the first female Olympic champion. Defying the traditional role of women in ancient Greece, she competed in the Olympic Games alongside the men and won. Her triumph...
Female Gladiators In Ancient Rome
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Female Gladiators In Ancient Rome

Female gladiators in ancient Rome – referred to by modern-day scholars as gladiatrix – may have been uncommon but they did exist. Evidence suggests that a number of women participated in the public games of Rome even though this practice...
Family Planning in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Article by Arienne King

Family Planning in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Family planning was a topic of vital importance in the ancient Mediterranean. Some of the earliest medical literature from ancient Greece and Rome deals with fertility and reproductive health. Among the numerous treatments and procedures...
Ancient Christianity’s Effect on Society & Gender Roles
Article by Rebecca Denova

Ancient Christianity’s Effect on Society & Gender Roles

Christianity began as a sect of Judaism in Judea in the 1st century CE and spread to the cities of the Eastern Roman Empire and beyond. In these cities, non-Jews, Gentiles, wanted to join the movement, and these Gentile-Christians soon outnumbered...
Jamestown Brides
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Jamestown Brides

Jamestown brides (also known as tobacco brides) were young, single women transported from England to the Jamestown Colony of Virginia between 1620-1624 to be married to male colonists already established there. The women themselves had their...
Prostitution in Ancient Athens
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Prostitution in Ancient Athens

Prostitution in ancient Athens was legal and regulated by the state. During the Greek Archaic Period (c. 800-479 BCE) brothels were instituted and taxed by the lawgiver Solon (l. c. 630 - c. 560 BCE), and this policy continued into the Classical...
Pherenike the Female Olympic Trainer
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pherenike the Female Olympic Trainer

Pherenike (l. c. 388 BCE, also known as Kallipateira) was an athlete from Rhodes who, because she was a woman, could not compete in the Olympic Games and, as a married woman, was not allowed to even watch them. Defying these rules and risking...
Tattoos in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Tattoos in Ancient Egypt

Tattoos are an ancient form of art appearing in various cultures throughout history. One of the earliest (and possibly the oldest) pattern of tattoos in the world was discovered on the frozen remains of the man known as Otzi the Iceman who...