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Buddhist Monastery Plan (Gandharan)
Plan of a typical Gandharan Buddhist monastery at Taxila from the site of Badalpur. Dated to 2nd - 5th Cent CE

Reconstruction of Gandharan Architecture
A wall panel recreated using typical materials and decorative techniques at Quaid-e-Azam University to showcase Gandharan Architecture for students. The panel contains a structural wall created using typical small diaper masonry, with some...

Stupa Front Detail
A detailed view of the front of a typical Gandharan stupa from Taxila at the site of Badalpur. Dated to 2nd - 5th Cent CE

Stupa at Jinnan Wali Dheri
The small but well-preserved stupa at Jinnan Wali Dheri missing its dome (at the hands of ancient looters). The stupa is exquisitely decorated and is a compact version of the larger monuments seen around Taxila and has been recently restored...

Death of Buddha
Death of Buddha, Thareli, Gandhara, 3rd-4th century CE.
Taxila Museum, Pakistan.

Typical Molding Details in Gandharan Architecture
Base molding typically seen on most stupa bases in the Taxila region

Jandial Temple
The temple at Jandial in Taxila, attributed to the Zoroastrian religion and mentioned in the works of Appolonius of Tyana. Dated to c. 180 BCE – 80 CE probably built during the Parthian era along decidedly Greek lines.

Dharmarajika Stupa
Dharmarajika Stupa, near Taxila in northern Pakistan, thought to be built by the Maurya Emperor Asoka in the third century BCE over the remains of the Buddha and expanded upon by succeeding rulers.

Mohra Moradu Stupa
The stupa of Mohra Moradu. Part of the Buddhist monastery complex at Taxila, northern Pakistan. Third century, CE.

City of Sirkap
A view of the main street of Sirkap, the second city of Taxila