Search Results: Western Desert Campaigns


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Painted Mural Tile with Wheel from Western Iran
Image by National Museum of Iran

Painted Mural Tile with Wheel from Western Iran

Painted brick from Baba Jan, Luristan, Iron Age III, c. 850 to 550 BCE. National Museum of Iran, inv. no. 6735 This terracotta tile with a painted wheel is one of the c. 200 mural bricks that once decorated the “ceremonial rooms” of the...
Western and Northern Iwan, Masjed-e Imam
Image by youngrobv

Western and Northern Iwan, Masjed-e Imam

View of Masjed-e Imam's sahn (courtyard). The arcade surrounds the howz (ablutions pool) in the centre and the four iwan (gateway) are placed at each side. Visible here are the western and northern iwan. Esfahan, Iran.
Bronze Horse Bit with Winged Goats from Western Iran
Image by National Museum of Iran

Bronze Horse Bit with Winged Goats from Western Iran

Luristan Bronze artefact from Iron Age II or III, c. 950-650 BCE. National Museum of Iran, Tehran. Acc. no. 3915, Photograph by Nima Fakourzadeh (Baloot Noghrei) In archaeology, the cast objects with bronze decorations obtained from the...
Desert Kites
Image by Olivier Barge

Desert Kites

Extracts of satellite images from Google Earth and Bing of kites from the Harrat-al-Sham in Jordan (above left), Qaratein area in Syria (above right), Ustyurt Plateau in Kazakhstan (bottom left) and the mountains of Palmyre in Syria (bottom...
Desert Kite Cell
Image by Olivier Barge

Desert Kite Cell

A cell at the extremity of a pointed appendice from a kite in Armenia (up). The same configuration in Jordan, a cell under excavation (down).
How Rommel became the Desert Fox | Operation Sonnenblume
Video by Imperial War Museums

How Rommel became the Desert Fox | Operation Sonnenblume

In February 1941, Erwin Rommel arrived in Libya to save an Italian army in disarray. But instead of following orders to defend his position, Rommel attacked. Leading from the front, he pushed the understrength British and Commonwealth forces...
Western Wall in Jerusalem
Image by James Blake Wiener

Western Wall in Jerusalem

The Western Wall in Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish learning and memory for over 2,000 years. As the only fragment of the Great Temple to survive the Roman destruction following the Great Jewish Revolt of 66 CE, the wall is omnipresent...
First Battle of El Alamein
Article by Mark Cartwright

First Battle of El Alamein

The First Battle of El Alamein (1-27 July 1942) was a series of encounters during the Second World War (1939-1945) in Egypt between Allied and Axis forces. The battle, focussed around the El Alamein defensive line, ended without a decisive...
German Panzers, Western Front
Image by Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-382-0248-33A / Böcker

German Panzers, Western Front

A May 1940 photograph showing a German Panzer II (foreground) and Panzer I (rear) operating on the Western Front during the Second World War (939-45). (German Federal Archives)
A Groom and Horses from Western Assyria
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

A Groom and Horses from Western Assyria

This scene is part of a large alabaster bas-relief which shows a tributary procession from Western Assyria (probably in modern-day Syria or Turkey). Here, we can see a groom leading two horses. From Khorsabad (ancient Dur-Sharrukin), in modern-day...