Search Results: Armenian apostolic church


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Aristotelian Manuscript in Armenian
Image by James Blake Wiener

Aristotelian Manuscript in Armenian

This is a 14th century CE manuscript in Armenian on the discoveries made by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. The text of this document was first translated from Greek into Armenia in the 6th century CE. (Mesrop Mashtots Institute...
Armenian Cross-stone, Vagharshapat
Image by Marcin Konsek

Armenian Cross-stone, Vagharshapat

A memorial Armenian cross-stone or khachkar, Vagharshapat, Armenia. 10th century CE.
Persian & Armenian Battle Scene
Image by James Blake Wiener

Persian & Armenian Battle Scene

Although this manuscript edition of the "History of Vardan and the Armenian War" was finished in 1569 CE, this illustration shows a battle between the Armenians and the Persians in the 5th century CE. Take special note of the Persian elephants...
Proclamation of Leo V the Armenian
Image by Unknown Artist

Proclamation of Leo V the Armenian

An illustration from a 12th century CE manuscript depicting the proclamation of Leo V the Armenian, emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 813 to 820 CE. (Madrid Skylitzes, National Library, Madrid)
Prehistoric Armenian Ritual Jug
Image by James Blake Wiener

Prehistoric Armenian Ritual Jug

This prehistoric ritual jug was made from clay and has stylized geometric decor. It comes from what is present-day Armenia and dates from the 11th-9th century BCE. Geometric decor commonly appears on vases and other ritual vessels during...
Fragments of Ancient Armenian Hearth
Image by James Blake Wiener

Fragments of Ancient Armenian Hearth

These are fragments that were originally part of an ancient Armenian hearth. (Metsamor Historical-Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taronik, Armenia)
Fragment of Armenian Manuscript
Image by James Blake Wiener

Fragment of Armenian Manuscript

This is a parchment fragment from an Armenian manuscript created in the 10th century CE. (Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, Yerevan, Armenia)
Medieval Indulgence & Martin Luther
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Medieval Indulgence & Martin Luther

The medieval indulgence was a writ offered by the Church, for money, guaranteeing the remission of sin, and its abuse was the spark that inspired Martin Luther's 95 Theses. Luther (l. 1483-1546) claimed the sale of indulgences was unbiblical...
Doctrine of Discovery
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Doctrine of Discovery

The Doctrine of Discovery is a policy enacted initially by the 15th-century Catholic Church proclaiming the right of Christian nations to take possession of the lands of non-Christians in the interest of saving their souls. Non-Christians...
View of the Armenian Fortress Amberd
Image by James Blake Wiener

View of the Armenian Fortress Amberd

Before Amberd Fortress was constructed in the 7th century CE, Stone Age peoples, the Urartians, and even the Romans used and understood the location's strategic advantages, lying at the intersection of the Amberd River and the Arkashen River...