Search Results: Thor


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Warriors Fight a Wolf & Giant Snake
Image by J. Paul Getty Museum

Warriors Fight a Wolf & Giant Snake

"Warriors Fight a Wolf and Giant Snake" by Ernst Alpers. The modern relief depicts the Norse god Thor battling the wolf Fenrir and Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent. Hannover, Germany. 1867 CE.
Gosforth Cross Depicting Ragnarök
Image by Andrew Howe

Gosforth Cross Depicting Ragnarök

The Gosforth Cross, Cumbria, England, dated to the 10th century CE. It depicts pivotal events from Ragnarök including Heimdall sounding the horn to battle, Thor's battle with Jörmungandr, Vidarr slaying Fenrir, and Loki's imprisonment below...
The Nine Realms of Norse Cosmology
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Nine Realms of Norse Cosmology

The Norse people in their mythology divided their universe into nine realms with the world tree, Yggdrasil, in the centre. From Yggdrasil the nine realms of their cosmology either spread out from it or they stretched from the roots below...
The Norse Goddess Sif
Image by John Charles Dollman

The Norse Goddess Sif

The Norse Goddess Sif as imagined by English artist John Charles Dollman in the illustration of page 64 of Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas by Guerber, H. A., Harrap, London, 1909. The figure in the background is usually given...
Norse Mythology Family Tree
Video by UsefulCharts

Norse Mythology Family Tree

A family tree of Norse mythology, showing the relationships between Norse deities and mythological figures.
The Helm of Awe
Image by Anonymous

The Helm of Awe

The Helm of Awe (Icelandic: Ægishjálmur), a magical symbol (stave) recorded in an Icelandic manuscript in the 1600s. The term is attested in the Old Norse poem Fáfnismál (1200s) in the context of the fight between the hero Sigurd and the...
Temple at Uppsala
Image by  Olaus Magnus

Temple at Uppsala

The Norse Temple at Uppsala dedicated to Thor, Odin, and Freyr, as described by Adam of Bremen and depicted in Book 3 of the Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus by Olaus Magnus, 1555.
Harald Bluetooth & the Conversion of Denmark
Article by Irina-Maria Manea

Harald Bluetooth & the Conversion of Denmark

In Scandinavia, Christianity spread due to the support and encouragement of political rulers at the top of the society above all else. Conversion, defined here as the actions taken by kings or clerics to introduce the new religion, did not...
Loki's Brood
Image by Emil Doepler

Loki's Brood

Loki's Brood by the German artist Emil Doepler, illustration from page 43 of Walhall, die Götterwelt der Germanen, Martin Oldenbourg, Berlin. 1905. The drawing depicts the Norse god Loki's three children by the giantess Angrboda (shown in...
The Norse Pantheon: Crash Course World Mythology #10
Video by CrashCourse

The Norse Pantheon: Crash Course World Mythology #10

This week, we're headed north. To check out the gods of the Northmen. Or the Norse. That's right, we're talking Thor, Loki, Freyr, Freya, Odin, Frigg, Baldr, and Tyr. And Fenrir. And the Frost Giants. There's a lot to cover here, and it's...